Question:It has been four days, and my bee sting site is hard, swollen and red. It itches a lot. I'm not sure what kind of bee it was. Could have been a yellow jacket. It was very small. Is this normal? Answer:In my experience, bee stings or wasp stings can be sore and itch...
But for the rest of us who are not allergic to a bee sting, when we get stung, it hurts for a few minutes, turns red, swells up and itches for a few days. That's normal. This is why as beekeepers we select gentle bees. That's why I recommend the honey bee known as the Ital...
Swelling away from the area of the sting, especially swelling of the face, tongue, or hands Hoarseness or trouble speaking Nausea,abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, orvomiting Fast heartbeat orpulse Skinthat severely itches, tingles, swells, or turns red Anxiety, feelings of faintness, or dizzi...
Here is a bunch of household applications that should help bring fast, soothing relief as well as some interesting tips and bits of info to learn more about the effects of a sting and what to watch for. Most remedies should provide quick results and the ingredients are pretty basic for the...