Elemental Focusing LensEmbellishment and the stats as either Haste Versatility or Haste Mastery so that you can have two Haste Rings. Crafting the ring with Haste Mastery will give you more damage but slightly reduce your survivability. After that, you can craft any other piece of Algari Competi...
Pre-Raid & Best in Slot (BiS) Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds PvE Resto Druid Healing Gear & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds Hunter Guides PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Gear & ...
This priority list describes the optimal single-target Rotation for Beast Mastery Hunter You should use damage-dealing Trinkets like Mad Queen's Mandate and others as often as possible throughout the fight, firstly. The last use of the Mandate should also be used when the boss is as close to...
( Pawn: v1: "Bendak-BM": Class=Hunter, Spec=BeastMastery, Agility=23.70, CritRating=19.80, HasteRating=20.40, MasteryRating=20.80, Versatility=17.20 ) If you download thePawnaddon, you can copy and import the above stat weights into the addon to compare gear and determine whether or not ...