further increased past 40%. In the first season of The War Within, the only stat you might be able to get to 30% is Versatility, and if you are near 30% Versatility, you should be changing some of it into either Haste or Mastery. ...
1. PvP Gearing for Beast Mastery Hunters 2. Best Enchants for PvP Hunter 3. Best Gems for PvP Beast Mastery Hunter 1. PvP Gearing for Beast Mastery Hunters The list below is following the stat priority of Hit Cap (5%) > Resilience ≥ Attack Power > Agility > Critical Strike and will ...
Pre-Raid & Best in Slot (BiS) Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds PvE Resto Druid Healing Gear & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds Hunter Guides PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Gear & ...
What are the best Beast Mastery trinkets? I’m not going to cover every single trinket. The best way to compare them is to simulate them with your own character, but I’ll summarize the best trinkets from each source — there are simply too many variables to declare one trinket better th...
Aspect of the Pack is back. It is now a passive raid buff that seems to be active all the time (and with no daze effect). It increases the movement speed of everyone in your raid by 15%. People have to be within 40 yards of the Hunter to have this speed increase. Other clas...
Single-Target Rotation for Beast Mastery Hunter This priority list describes the optimal single-target Rotation for Beast Mastery Hunter You should use damage-dealing Trinkets like Mad Queen's Mandate and others as often as possible throughout the fight, firstly. The last use of the Mandate should...
1. Playstyle for Beast Mastery Hunters The main role for a Beast Mastery Hunter is simple: use your mobility to land Freezing Traps on the enemy healer and use your strong single-target cooldowns to burst your enemies down. Beast Mastery Hunters are a very mobile specialization and some ...