Mistcaller Ocarina— Not great for yourself, but when its effect is multiplied onto all of your hopefully powerful allies, it is a solid Trinket. Imperfect Ascendancy Serum Abyssal Trap Everburning Lantern Scroll of Momentum 5. "Simming" Yourself as a Beast Mastery Hunter ...
Forged Gladiator's Medallionis a mandatory trinket to have equipped at all times for non-human players. This allows you to remove any crowd control on yourself. Humans can use this trinket to have a shorter (90-second) the cooldown on escaping stuns, for example, into Rogue Mage teams. F...
Pre-Raid & Best in Slot (BiS) Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds PvE Resto Druid Healing Gear & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Stat Priority Talents & Builds Hunter Guides PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Gear & ...
Kil’jaeden’s Burning Wish: The main power here comes from the raw stats, but the on-use ability is some pretty nice AoE damage. It is our BiS trinket. If you have this, you’re probably going to want to use it unless you have good BM legendaries like the belt and shoulders. The...
Beast Mastery Hunter Rotation The buttons below can be used to select between curatedSingle-TargetandAoE/Mythic+loadouts. You can also use the switches below to add or remove individual talents you may also be using. To see our recommended Talent Builds in detail, visit the Talent page: ...