Finished quest: -Another Way Through Required to open quests - Looking for Adventurers You are not logged in! Log in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the pages, add information into the database and more!
Finish two Quest [Boss] Witch-Hunting and Looking for Adventurers. Must have both Not one If not thinking too much Complete the quest "The Qualities of a God Quest" tab 13/13 Image Link Image Click 0 Ragnar 22-03-2020 18:28 Man muss die Hauptquest: "Der Beginn der neuen Reise" ...
Not accepted quest: - [Mediah] The Temple in the East orLevel: 51+Finished quest: - Looking for AdventurersNot for seasonal charactersNot finished quest: - [Mediah] The Temple in the EastNot accepted quest: - [Mediah] The Temple in the East orLevel: 51+Finished quest: - [Boss] ...