If Waving, do so while buffed 1) Improved Elixer of Amity +30%, 2) pickled fish +5% and 3) Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress +15%, and you will get +4 Amity per 3 energy ^^^ {Translator's Opinion ^this is the best method for waving (F5)^} Login to comment...
When you do this quest it's best to the take the same quest form the Stable Keepr as well since it gives you 500 CP Exp + a +30% Combat Exp Buff for 2 hours. The trade caravan moves really slowly around the desert. They move out to the west of Valencia and go past the node ...
New [Daily] Hunting quests have been added in Balenos Islands. (14 quests in total) - The quests will give you the Badge of a Hunter, which can be exchanged with Hunting Matchlocks. Conditions to accept the following quests have changed. - To the Red Batt...
Quests in ESO and BDO Sadly, this is where Black Desert Online falls a little bit flat. It doesn’t really take the traditional route that other MMO titles take. You won’t receive XP from completing quests, and the narrative behind them isn’t all that interesting to take part in. Mea...
BDO Fashioncostumes can be crafted by players, earned through quests or bought from the in-game shop. What makes these outfits special is the amount of effort that has gone into their creation, the abundance of detail and, above all else, the sheer diversity of the costumes and outfits avai...
The dawn of the new world has came to Valencia. - Adventurers are gathering at Valencia to find the clue for a treasure. Typos, wrong quest completion location, and unnecessary NPC lines during certain quests have been fixed. New Knowledge category, Marni’s Great In...
Complete optional quests that are not related to the overall storytelling of Diablo 4 Completely clear the dungeon of monsters Defeat all enemies in the fortress Rewards for reaching a new level of fame 3,000 gold coins and one skill point, you need to score 200 points. ...
The conditions of the quest and preceding quests Although the desert trade buff provides a handsome trade bonus, the process is not so easy. There are a couple of conditions that need to be met first: the character must be over level 55, and the trading l...
From 0 to 56, it mainly revolves around you just doing the main story quests. If you have a friend willing to boost you, BDO power leveling is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways to get to the awakening chapter of your character. By 56, you should start grinding in Valencia until you...
Best I can tell Xerxes requires a quest line from Arenda in Shakatu to be complete. Arenda's questline should start once the following quests are complete and you've reached gathering: profession 10. http://bdocodex.com/cn/quest/5709/1/ 1 Anonymous 8-02-2017 01:56 Thanks! the rest...