据报道,到 2024 年,全球自动驾驶汽车市场的 CAGR(年均复合增长率) 预计将加速增长 62.86%,达到 412.4 亿美元。 如果你也一直在关注自动驾驶技术,那么就不要错过我们今天要介绍的数据集——BDD100K Dataset。 10w 个视频、图片+超全标注 BDD100K 数据集,是加州大学伯克利分校 AI 实验室(BAIR)于 2018 年发布的,...
Update 06/18/2018: please also checkour follow-up blog postafter reading this. TL;DR, we released the largest and most diverse driving video dataset with rich annotations called BDD100K. You can access the data for research now athttp://bdd-data.berkeley.edu. We have recently releasedan a...
TL;DR, we released the largest and most diverse driving video dataset with rich annotations called BDD100K. You can access the data for research now athttp://bdd-data.berkeley.edu. Wehave recently released an arXiv report on it. And there is still time to participate in our CVPR 2018 ch...
TL;DR, we released the largest and most diverse driving video dataset with rich annotations called BDD100K. You can access the data for research now at http://bdd-data.berkeley.edu. We have recently released an arXiv report on it. And there is still time to participate in our CV...
It's bdd100k dataset from [https://bdd-data.berkeley.edu/](https://bdd-data.berkeley.edu/) 数据列表 数据名称上传日期大小下载 BDD_100k_Dataset.zip2023-03-037.61GB 文档 About Dataset It's bdd100k dataset from https://bdd-data.berkeley.edu/ About https://bair.berkeley.edu/blog/2018/05/...
可用的数据集通常在规模和多样性上受到限制。例如,诸如Caltech Lanes数据集之类的相关作品仅包含1,224张图像。Road Marking Dataset仅包含以11类车道标记标记的1,443张图像。VPGNet是最新的,包括在首尔行驶三周期间拍摄的大约20,000张图像,这些图像被标记为17类。
Datasets drive vision progress, yet existing driving datasets are impoverished in terms of visual content and supported tasks to study multitask learning for autonomous driving. Researchers are usually constrained to study a small set of problems on one dataset, while real-world computer vision applica...
Datasets drive vision progress, yet existing driving datasets are impoverished in terms of visual content and supported tasks to study multitask learning for autonomous driving. Researchers are usually constrained to study a small set of problems on one
如果你也一直在关注自动驾驶技术,那么就不要错过我们今天要介绍的数据集——BDD100K Dataset。 10w 个视频、图片+超全标注 BDD100K 数据集,是加州大学伯克利分校 AI 实验室(BAIR)于 2018 年发布的,迄今为止最大规模、内容最具多样性的公开驾驶数据集之一。
Dataset之BDD100K:BDD100K数据集的简介、下载、使用方法之详细攻略 BDD100K数据集的简介 BDD100K,A Large-scale Diverse Driving Video Database。2018年5月伯克利大学AI实验室(BAIR)发布了目前最大规模、内容最具多样性的公开驾驶数据集BDD100K,同时设计了一个图片标注系统。BDD100K 数据集包含10万段高清视频,每个视...