总的来讲,如果对于一个当年像我一样的咨询小白来讲,如果目标是在毕业时拿到MBB的offer,在路径上需要做这么几个事情(前提是已经明确要进这个行业,所以关于这个行业利弊的事情,暂且不论): 1. 通过MBB的HR筛选简历,拿到笔试/电话pre-talk的邀请 2. 通过笔试/pre-talk 3. 通过第一轮面试,一般是两个项目经理级别...
麦肯锡专为pre-MBA学生而设立的,为了庆贺新一代的MBAs.项目在2013年设立,在推出的四年多中,为无数有理想有追求的MBAs提供奖学金和指导支持。简而言之,这既是奖学金,也是一个networking的机会。 麦肯锡正在寻找正准备追求MBA学位以及拥有以下特质的人: 积极寻求最大限度地发挥其潜力 享受挑战复杂的问题 发展协作工...
Here we see a far more diverse selection pool of undergrad schools compared with pre-experience hires. Three in four MBA hires did not attend a British undergraduate programme. The conclusion is clear: If you did not study (at Bachelor or Masters level) at a core UK undergrad program, and...
In premodern society, this evolved as a survival strategy, with individuals realizing they were safer when they were with others than when they were alone. But in modern society, this tribalism can manifest itself in a negative way—as a suspicion, even a fear, of people from different ...
Similarly, the vaccines that consist of viral vectors that deliver one or more antigens, are usually intended to boost a pre-existing immune response rather than induce a primary immune response. The TB vaccine portfolio is therefore very dependent on what BCG vaccination does or does not do. ...
在确保员工 Work-life Balance 方面,BCG 是做的最好的。 BCG 的“Predictable Time Off” Program 就...
-招人的时候会海发Pre-talk(第一轮面试)4. Booz(博斯),与PwC合并后现改名为Strategy&(思略特)...
1) 关于学校专业 这样说吧,咨询公司想要的人才是那种无论干什么都能做的优秀的人,这和作咨询会接触...