、BCG Matrix 四大产品类型新兴市场相对竞争优势利润率较低,所需资金不足,负债比率高销售量大,产品利润率高、负债比率低利润率低、处于保本或亏损状态,负债比率高 、BCG Model产品组合策略发展战略选择性投资战略 收获战略撤退战略 BCG Matrix 应用法则成功企业的象征,因为盈利大的产品不只一个,而且这些产品的销售收入...
BCG矩阵(也称为Growth-Share Matrix)是一种组合规划模型,用于根据业务组合中的产品的增长情况和相对市场份额进行分析。BCG 矩阵由波士顿咨询集团创建,也称为波士顿或增长份额矩阵,它是一种规划工具,它使用公司产品和服务的图形表示来帮助公司决定应该保留、出售或投资更多的东西. 该矩阵自 1968 年以来一直用于帮助公司深...
The Boston Matrix model is a tool for assessing existing and development products in terms of their market potential and thereby implying strategic action for products and services in each category. Cash cow– The rather crude metaphor is based on the idea of ‘milking’ the returns from previous...
The BCG matrix model has long been used by companies to analyze their products and manage resources to identify which products to invest in and which to let go. The model is simple and makes it easier to classify products. However, using the model recklessly and without careful analysis can ...
1) Generalized BCG Matrix Model 广义BCG矩阵模型 1. Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method and theGeneralized BCG Matrix Model,an individual enterprise s execution of shope management level and its trend is analyzed to find out the reason behind the shope management level s difference. ...
在1970 年代,波士顿咨询集团的创始人 Bruce D. Henderson 提出了产品组合(又名 BCG 矩阵,或增长份额矩阵),它会根据潜力来研究成功的商业产品组合发展和市场份额。 它将产品分为四大类:摇钱树、宠物(狗)、问号和星星。 产品组合起源故事 这一切都始于 1970 年代,当时美国商人布鲁斯·亨德森 (Bruce D. Henderson)...
BCG矩阵是最著名的业务组合管理工具之一,Product Life Cycle[产品生命周期]论是其理论基础。BCG矩阵由波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group,BCG)于20世纪70年代初期开发,它根据公司每一个战略事业单位(SBUs)内部的产品组合,来确定优先权授予。公司应该立足长远,平衡产品组合,既要有高增长但是需要大量现金投入的产品,也...
The BCG Matrix is an assessment model in which products or (functional) business units are assessed on two aspects. First, the relative market share that a certain product or its business unit has with respect to the competition. Second, the market growth potential for that product or its ...
1) BCG model BCG模型 例句>> 2) broad sense BCG model 广义BCG模型 例句>> 3) Generalized BCG Matrix Model 广义BCG矩阵模型 1. Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method and theGeneralized BCG Matrix Model,an individual enterprise s execution of shope management level and its trend is an...