assays:protein Telephone:***.***.***3or815.968.0747Fax:800.842.5007or815.968.7316 Internet: PierceChemicalTechnicalLibrary BicinchoninicAcid (BCA)Method Oneofthemostrecentadvancesinproteinassay
assays:protein Telephone:***.***.***3or815.968.0747Fax:800.842.5007or815.968.7316 Internet: PierceChemicalTechnicalLibrary BicinchoninicAcid (BCA)Method Oneofthemostrecentadvancesinproteinassay technologyistheuseofbicinchoninicacid(BCA) inauniquereagent...
The BCA method is not a true end-point method; that is, the final color continues to develop. However, following incubation, the rate of continued color development is sufficiently slow to allow large numbers of samples to be assayed together. The macromolecular structure of protein, the number...
The BCA method is not a true end-point method; that is, the final color continues to develop. However, following incubation, the rate of continued color development is sufficiently slow to allow large numbers of samples to be assayed together. The macromolecular structure of protein, the ...
Bicinchoninic acid, sodium salt, is a stable, water-soluble compound capable of forming an intense purple complex with cuprous ion (Cu1+) in an alkaline environment. This reagent forms the basis of an analytical method capable of monitoring cuprous ion produced in the reaction of protein with ...
产品名称:BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent Compatible BCA Protein -北京博迈斯科技发展有限公司 品牌:biovision 规格:1000 assays 价格:3375 说明: biovisionK818-1000bca protein estimation kit, bca protein quantitation kit, bca protein assay kit, protein estimation kit, protein quantitation kit, pro...
How the Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay detects proteinThe Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay uses the same copper reduction method as the traditional BCA Protein Assay with a unique copper chelator. The assay combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by protein in an alkaline medium with ...
The Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay uses the same copper reduction method as the traditional BCA Protein Assay with a unique copper chelator. The assay combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by protein in an alkaline medium with the highly sensitive and selective colorime...
The Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay uses the same copper reduction method as the traditional BCA Protein Assay with a unique copper chelator. The assay combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by protein in an alkaline medium with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection...
How the Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay detects protein The Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay uses the same copper reduction method as the traditional BCA Protein Assay with a unique copper chelator. The assay combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+to Cu1+by protein in an alkaline medium with the...