BCA法蛋白测定试剂盒说明书(BCA Protein Assay Protocol) 下载积分: 700 内容提示: INSTRUCTIONSBCA™ Protein Assay KitWarranty: Pierce products are warranted to meet stated product specifications and to conform to label descriptions when used and stored properly. Unless otherwise stated, thiswarranty is ...
working range for BSA equals 20 to 2000µg/mL Sensitive – detect down to 5µg/mL with the enhanced protocol BCA Protein Assay Applications: Studying protein:protein interactions Measuring column fractions after affinity chromatography Estimating percent recovery of membrane proteins from cell ...
文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 290.0K 文档页数: 7页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 行业资料--实验 系统标签: bcaproteinassaypierce说明书reagent INSTRUCTIONS Warranty:Pierceproductsarewarrantedtomeetstatedproductspecificationsandtoconformtolabeldescriptionswhenusedandstoredproperly....
BCA蛋白定量试剂盒(Thermo)使用指南.pdf,INSTRUCTIONS Pierce® BCA Protein Assay Kit 23225 23227 1296.7 Number Description 23225 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 500 test-tube or 5000 microplate assays 23227 Pierce BCA Protein Assay K
BSA equals 20 to 2000µg/mL ∙Sensitive– detect down to 5µg/mL with the enhanced protocol BCA Protein Assay Applications:∙Studying protein:protein interactions ∙Measuring column fractions after affinity chromatography ∙Estimating percent recovery of membrane proteins from cell extracts ...
BCA蛋白定量试剂盒(Thermo)使用指南.pdf,INSTRUCTIONS ® Pierce BCA Pr tein Assay Kit 23225 23227 1296.7 Number Description 23225 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents f r 500 test-tube r 5000 micr plate assays 23227 Pierce BCA Protein Assay K
1、BCA蛋白浓度测定 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (试剂盒室温保存)1. 准备BSA标准品 按Table 1配制一系列的蛋白标准品. 原液(stock):取出一个ample(内含2mg/mL的白蛋白标准品 (此量足够3个replication)2.准备BCA工作液(Working Reagent,WR) (1)用公式计算总工作液量(标准品数+待测样品数)*(复制数)*(...
20、A 试剂盒特点简介】碧云天 BCA 试剂盒官方说明BCA 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit) 是根据目前世界上最常用的两种蛋白浓度检测方法之一BCA 法研制而成,实现了蛋白浓度测定的简单、高稳定性、高灵敏度和高兼容性。灵敏度高,检测浓度下限达到25 g/m,最小检测蛋白量达到l0.5 g ,待测样品体积为1-...
BCA法蛋白测定试剂盒说明书(BCA Protein Assay Protocol) 一种全程C反应蛋白层析定量检测试剂盒 一种口蹄疫灭活疫苗中3AB和/或3ABC非结构蛋白定量检测试剂盒和应用 一种无蛋白通用型保护液及其制备方法和在真菌毒素定量检测试剂盒中的应用 甲胎蛋白定量检测试剂盒(化学发光法)说明书 LpPLA2人血浆脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2定...
系统标签: bca kit protein assay reagent 试剂 Peptides,Inhibitors,Agonists.glpbioProductDataSheetCaution:Producthasnotbeenfullyvalidatedformedicalapplications.Forresearchuseonly.Tel:(626)353-8530Fax:(626)353-8530E-mail:tech@glpbioAddress:10292CentralAve.#205,Montclair,CA,USA1.glpbioProductName:BCAProtein...