一、教育体系 BC课程和OSSD课程它们分别属于加拿大不同省份的教育体系。BC课程,全称British Columbia Curriculum,是加拿大英属哥伦比亚省(BC省)教育部认证和批准开设的加拿大本土高中课程。而OSSD(Ontario Secondary School Diploma)则是加拿大安大略省的高中毕业证书体系。 二、学科及学分要求 两者在学科要求和学分要求上也有...
As a former student in local middle school, Xu Wei Lian (Vivian Xu) spoke about the differences she felt between local school and the international high school."I have more time to try what I like and there are more...
This project also highlighted important elements in the history of EE and offers insights into the challenges of developing a survey to assess environmental literacy and the complexities of integrating EE into the secondary curriculum.Duncan, Lisa...
Direct School Admission(中学直接收生计划) 自2004年起实施的DSA(Direct School Admission)计划,允许学生在小学六年级毕业考试前,依据除学术成绩之外的特定才能申请就读学校,简而言之,这类似于中国教育体系中的特长生制度,学生可以通过音乐、体育或奥数等...
CIE创新课程项目(联合培养Collaborative Cultivation,课程创新Innovative Curriculum,名校直通Elite Program),在苏州市教育局和加拿大皮尔教育局的指导下,定制高中三年创新人才培养方案,由中加两地在编教师分别教授中国国家课程和加拿大安大略省高中课程,同时也开设IELTS等标准化考试课程。该项目是纳入中招的项目,进入这些此项目的...
(seasoned employees provide support to new employees), participates in BC's Career Advanced Placement Program (mandatory curriculum requirement for secondary school students, includes job shadowing), Indigenous professional in development program (one-year program for Indigenous students with rotations across...
Require professional developmentopportunities for educational leaders and school staff to implement policies, deliver curriculum, and support students as outlined above. We also encourage school boards to establish concrete plans (with goals, timelines, and accountability mechanisms) for ensuring these policie...
Gas metering for secondary suites Natural Gas Customer Design Build Program Connect your project to electricity Underground conduit system inspection request form Electric Customer Design Build Program Electrical design process Rebate cheque lookup Renewable Natural Gas for buildings and developments...
IHE Heavy Equipment Operator School has been preparing students for professional careers as Heavy Equipment Operators since 2005. Our curriculum is a blend of classroom theory and hands-on machine training. Our goal is to provide skilled and safe operators to companies seeking qualified workers for ...
The aim of the study is to compare secondary science education curriculum with the science questions of entrance examination to the high schools and to determine whether personal information has an effect on entrance exams. The pool of the inquiry is composed of 8th grade students of primary schoo...