2024年11月14-15日,加拿大BC省教育督导官员Mr. Terry Sullivan, Mr. Jim Christopher和Offshore School Representative Mr. Kas Angelski莅临我校进行督导。 On November 14-15, 2024, Mr. Terry Sullivan, Mr. Jim Christopher and Offshore School Representative Mr...
As a former student in local middle school, Xu Wei Lian (Vivian Xu) spoke about the differences she felt between local school and the international high school."I have more time to try what I like and there are more...
BC international curriculum Department has set up career education courses, which are taught by tutors Ted. Corbould. This course is divided into three parts: career education, career connection and capstone project. It runs through
【课程名称】:加拿大BC省离岸高中课程体系 【课程优势】:MBCIS为BC省离岸((BC省教育厅授权代码:10396934))中学,为学生提供高中10-12年级的BC 课程,所授课程与加拿大BC省一致。所有教师均持有加拿大BC省教育厅颁发的教师资格证。所有教学标准、教学方式、学生评估流程,均与加拿大BC省一致。为了确保学校能达到BC教学的...
3. Understand (aka Big Ideas): These are the generalizations, principles, key concepts and other important ideas in an area of learning. These big ideas are what students should understand by the completion of the curriculum for their grade, but they are intended to persist beyond a single gr...
CSB is certified by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia, Canada, and is the first certified BC Curriculum School in Bahrain. British Columbia website 2 200 + Students capacity from Nursery – Grade 12 1 000 + Enrolled StudentsWhat...
ExamBank content is written by teachers, and aligned to curriculum.Get Instant Results Tests are instantly marked so you don't need to wait for feedback. Save Time Study time is efficient when just a few clicks gets you a powerful practice test to dive into. Study Anywhere Practice ...
Homeschool Curriculum Egypt and Ideas—200 bc to 400 ad (Unit/Module 1—Idea Test Set 1)Danielle Hughes
QualityWesternCurriculum高质量的西方课程SuccessfulgraduationfromMapleLeaf’shighschoolprogramwithaBChighschooldiplomaopenstheworldofwesternuniversities/colleges 在枫叶高中毕业并拿到BC省的毕业证就可以走向西方的大学或学院 UniversitydiplomafromawesternEnglish-speakinguniversityopensemploymentpossibilitiesinChina,asChinaexpands...
your AP® Calculus AB & Calculus BC courses. Well-respected AP instructors from around the United States will lead you through video instruction, exam-style questions and interactive activities to help you master the most challenging concepts in the AP® Calculus AB & Calculus BC curriculum. ...