卑詩藥物補助計劃(BC PharmaCare) 醫藥費方面的財務協助(Financial Help for Medical Costs) 為了患腦癇症的親屬作遺產規劃(Estate Planning for Your Relative with Epilepsy) 患腦癇的兒童和青少年 (Children and Youth with Epilepsy) 嬰兒的發作(Seizures in the Infant) 代人照看患腦癇的兒童(Providing Child Ca...
This database was used to evaluate the impact of the policy on trends in drug expenditures, utilization and sources of payment for seniors and non-seniors of different income levels. Results: In the immediate term, Fair PharmaCare appears to have met many of its policy goals. Government ...
4. Seniors “Some things people might particularly gravitate toward in Prince Rupert are the investments around seniors care, whether that’s better support when you’re in care as a senior, or support for seniors to stay at home, or the SAFER (Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters) Program, a...
Henry said that there are now 41 active outbreaks in the healthcare system including six that are in acute-care sites, or hospitals. The remaining 35 outbreaks are at long-term care, or assisted-living facilities, for seniors. Six new outbreaks at healthcare facilities include: •Chartwell L...