Whither seniors' pharmacare: lessons from (and for) Canada. Health Aff (Millwood) 2003; 22 :49–59. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.22.3.49. [ Cross Ref ]Morgan SG,Barer ML,Agnew JD.Whither seniors‘ pharmacare: lessons from (and for) Canada. Health Affairs . 2003...
Budget 2024 attempts to walk that line by proposing modest investments in key social programs designed to reduce household costs, such as pharmacare and childcare, while deferring most potential spending to future years. These measures include: An investment of $1.5 billion over five years to suppo...
Despite protestations of speaking and acting for “the people,” the Conservatives will probably get a majority in 2025 with only around 38% of the popular vote. The people want dental care, pharmacare, affordable housing, and a lower cost of living, but Poilievre has no useful plans ...
How to reform Canada's pharmaceutical drug coverage has been under active discussion in Canada since the late 1990s. A number of recommendations for a national pharmacare program have been proposed, such as expanding universal public system to include first-dollar of prescription drugs (National Forum...
The first phase of the plan waslaunched in December 2022, which saw coverage of up to $650 per year for children aged 12 and younger, as well as eligible seniors aged 87 and up. Earlier this year, the program opened up to eligible seniors aged 71 to 86,...
The effect of dein- suring chlorpropamide on the prescribing of oral antihyper- glycemics for Nova Scotia Seniors' Pharmacare beneficiaries. Pharmacotherapy 2004;24(6):784-91.Sketris IS, Metge C, Shevchuk Y, Comeau DG, Kephart GC, Black- burn J, et al. Comparison of anti-infective drug...