3A TOYS 变形金刚G1【BBTS限定版】 暗黑擎天柱Nemesis Prime 3A G1 暗黑擎天柱为BBTS限定发售,限量300体!售价$389.99美元,2017年4季度出货。高度约为16”(40.64cm),30%合金压铸的素体,旧化的涂装细节,全范围可动。拆盒网预订总价2350元:O拆盒网 3A TOYS 变形金刚G1 BBTS限定版 暗黑...材质为:锌合金,ABS,...
3A TOYS 变形金刚G1【BBTS限定版】 暗黑擎天柱Nemesis Prime已在bigbadtoystore.com开始接受预订。 3A G1 暗黑擎天柱为BBTS限定发售,限量300体!售价$389.99美元,2017年4季度出货。高度约为16”(40.64cm),30%合金压铸的素体,旧化的涂装细节,全范围可动。 材质为: 锌合金,ABS,PVC,POM,PC和磁石 特点: -身高约...
扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示3回复贴,共1页 <返回jadatoys吧 发表回复 发贴请遵守贴吧协议及“七条底线”贴吧投诉 发表 保存至快速回贴 ©2024 Baidu贴吧协议|隐私政策|吧主制度|意见反馈|网络谣言警示...
美系玩具厂牌麦法兰(McFarlane Toys)旗下“DC Multiverse”商品系列今(13)日凌晨发表了一款全新配色的“闪电侠”(The Flash)Gold Label 可动人偶!并作为 BigBadToyStore(BBTS)的限定版本,预计 2023 年 7 月发售。 本作在规格部分与同系列的“闪电侠”基本上相同,高约 17 公分、并搭载 22 处的...
布鲁托强势归来,与波派展开力量对决,最终谁才是最强王者 4953 0 05:22 App 为了阻止波派参加婚礼,布鲁托有多疯狂? 1244 0 00:17 App 大力水手原来是初代带货主播! 86 0 02:18 App 【速览】Hot Toys Range Trooper 974 0 19:16 App 【高清/国语配音】大力水手07:特兰瓦尔寻宝记 6538 13 13:48 App 【...
1/6 SCALE HOT TOYS “THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2” FIGURE – SPIDER-MAN This new version of Spidey comes with multiple pairs of hands, a new version of his costume as well as other clothing articles, a backpack, web strips and more. This figure is listed at $229.99. ...
The newest Diamond Select Toys action figure arrival has landed, and it is The Iron Giant! FiguartsZERO’s Rorona Zoro has arrived! The Mego Batman Beyond Batman 8" PX Previews Exclusive Mego Figure has swooped into the New Arrivals! Be sure to check out the lat...
Triad Toys is releasing a new figure for the "Dead Cell" line. This 1/6 scale figure is named iris Branham and is a deadly lady with a crossbow; she is listed at $89.99. We also have two different Zombie Survival Packs listed; each one includes three different 1/6 scale items/weapons...
BigBadToyStore has a massive selection of toys (like action figures, statues, and collectibles) from Marvel, DC Comics, Transformers, Star Wars, Movies, TV Shows, and More
HIYA TOYS ROBOCOP WITH JET PACK –From the 1993 movie Robocop 3, Hiya Toys presents Robocop with his jet pack! Featuring a metallic paint job that mimics his look in the film, fans can recreate the epic conclusion of Robocop 3 with this 4.5″ tall film accurate figure! $24.99 STAR WA...