输血协会 在曼彻斯特举办的第27届英国输血协会(BBTS)年度协商会上Nancy Heddle女士接受了2009年国际女性输血奖,Nancy在颁 … www.csbt.org.cn|基于3个网页 3. 英国输血协会(British Blood Transfusion Society) 输血工作中信息技术系统的使用和规范(5) ... AIHA 自体免疫性溶血贫血症BBTS英国输血协会BCSH 英国血液...
The new Specialist Certificate should now meet the requirements of a registered Health Care Scientist working in either a hospital or Blood (Transfusion) Centre wishing to attain the status of a Specialist Practitioner. The examination is very similar to that of the old Certificate except that some...
In 1996 the BBTS introduced a certificate in Transfusion Science Practice aimed mainly at staff working in hospital transfusion laboratories who wished to have evidence of their knowledge in this field. Together with the Certificate the BBTS provided a study guide for the distance learning and a ...
Announces the BBTS XIXth Annual Scientific Meeting with the Netherlands Society for Blood Transfusion at the University of Leeds in England. Date of the meeting; Participation of several foreign guest speakers; Enumeration of topics included.
Prior to CE registration of INTERCEPTTM, gamma irradiation was the standard method used to prevent transfusion-associated graft versus host disease (TA-GVHD). CE Mark approval for replacing gamma irradiation for prevention of TA-GVHD was received for the IBS in 2008. Additionally, the Paul ...