“BBC 500 Words”是英国每年面向5-13岁小朋友举办的小故事作文比赛,旨在激发小朋友们对阅读和写作的兴趣,现在已成为全球最有影响力的儿童故事写作比赛,每年有十几万投稿参与。比赛规定参赛作品的单词数不得超过500个,故事可以异想天开、天马行空,...
BBC的500字小故事(500 Words Story)是由Chris Evans主持的故事写作大赛,目的是为了激发小朋友对阅读和写作的兴趣。现在是全球最有影响力的小朋友故事写作比赛,获奖的故事将会由一个超级大明星(superstar celebrity)朗读出来。 今天,为大家分享去年由抖森(Tom Hiddleston)颁奖并现场诵读的银奖作品——一位10岁小姑娘写...
第454期 cut the long story short初级听力 | BBC 3分钟英语: 第453期 just the ticket初级听力 | BBC 3分钟英语: 第452期 do a runner初级听力 | BBC 3分钟英语: 第451期 a thing初级听力 | BBC 3分钟英语: 第450期 all that jazz初级听力 | BBC 3分...
whom he adored. And that brings us to a first mysterious story. When he was a baby, this region was struck by plaque and people were dying everywhere. And one day, a sorceress,
“BBC 500 Words” is an annual short story writing competition held in the UK for children aged 5-13, aimed at stimulating their interest in reading and writing.It has now become the most influential children's story writing competition in the world, with over 100,000 submissions each year....
BBC英语听力是备受全球英语学习者推崇的英语听力学习材料,下面小编为大家送上一篇BBC英语听力文摘,供大家参考。 Alice: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English fromBBC Learning English: the programme in which wetalk about a story in the news and learn somevocabulary while we’re doing it. I’m Alice...
Those events cast a shadow over Spears' life story. Along the way, every betrayal and public indignity feels like a step along the path to her eventual incarceration.这些事件给斯皮尔斯的人生故事蒙上了阴影。 一路走来,每一次背叛和公开侮辱都像是她最终被监禁的一步。It began as soon as she ...
Find out what wise words she uses to reassure him in the bedtime story No Matter What, read by James McAvoy.来源:bbc.co.uk/programmes/度娘b04xs4g0度娘 lovplush 变种特攻 14 之前他读过那个Poetry Pie 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试 饺砸 末代男宠 6 太萌 潭月九秋 热血律师 13 太棒了 ...
She says that the genie is out of the bottle. It’s an expression to do with fairy tales – in particular, the story of Aladdin, when he rubs a lamp and a genie appears. When the genie is released, anything is possible – even bad things. And there’s nothing anyone can do to st...
The story in ten sections,conforming to the instrumental bridge in sections approximating to the track-timings below. 胡飞燕19891 Arnold.L 2 MONEY intro continues into vocal, part one.Money, get away.Get a good job with good pay and you're OK.Money, it's a gas.Grab that cash with ...