Rob: Some great examples there of tunes which can become ear worms. You only need to singabout 5 notes of the James Bond theme and people will recognise the tune. And he also talkedabout the theme tune – that’s the main tune - for the films Jaws and Close Encounters of theThird Ki...
Now our next word was frequency. Here we are referring to high and low frequency words.So it means how often they occur. Examples of a high frequency word are ’it’, ’the’ and ’and’. 下一个单词是frequency。...
And I’m asking for specific examples, and you just said that if something is slightly sexist, that’s hateful content, does that mean that it should be banned? Interviewer (00:27:55): Well, you’ve asked me whether my feed, whether it’s got less or more. I’d say it’s got ...
Examples A lot of technical skills are needed for this job. (做这份工作需要拥有很多专业的技术技能。) He seems to lack basic conversational skills. It's hard to chat to him. (他似乎缺乏基本的会话技巧。和他聊天很费劲。) 另外,名词 “ability” 所指的 “才能,能力” 是强是弱比较难以衡量。通...
Now our next word wasfrequency. Here we are referring to high and low frequency words – so it means how often they occur. Examples of a high frequency word are 'it', 'the' and 'and'. Rob And our next word isinfl...
Anna I don't think of (想起)the very beginning.Can you give me examples of what I should say? Today I'm going to ^and explain. Then say: I'll start by^ And then I'm going to move on to discuss^ And finally^ Mr Lime How lovely to see you. You look absolutely^ I've been ...
晚安,今天的节目 以人脸为主题 Good evening, tonight's programme is on the human face and so am l 而我正站在一张脸孔上 because this is a human face that I'm standing on BBC不惜鉅资 把我缩小成迷你人 The BBC has miniaturised me at enormous expense, by BBC standards of course,当然是以...
ExamplesThere was a brief exchange between the two countries’ leaders.两位国家领导人进行了短暂的交流。There was an angry exchange of words between people at the meeting.人们在会议上发生了短暂的争执。The telecom engineer is working hard to solve a problem at our local telephone exchange.电信工程...
Scientists in Britain say one of the oldest known examples of a spider web has been discovered in amber deposits found on the southern coast of England. Writing in the Journal of the Geological Society, the researchers say the amber dates back 140 million years. Jason Caffrey reports. The ...