1.3 什么叫攻破“带身份验证的密钥交换协议”(Breaking Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol) 1.3.1 攻破“身份验证” 和“掉了一个小角的毛爷爷仍旧是人民银行的100块”不一样,对于信息,模型里一个有点反直觉的定义——“对于A发出的任意一条消息m,当m被修改掉一个或者更多bit后,这条消息都将不被视为A所发...
PAGE II 量子通信BB84协议简介 Title: Introduction to BB84 Protocol of Quantum Communication 摘 要本文主要对量子通信BB84协议进行介绍,包括对量子通信技术进行概要简介,量子通信技术的发展。量子通信中最为关键的就是量子保密通信技术,最早提出的量子保密通信技术是量子密钥分配技术(Quantum Key Distribution)。量子密钥...
这篇文章是将EB协议化简为CSS码协议,再化简为PM方案,即BB84协议。这里主要给出文章中两个结论的证明。 1】将由{0}⊂C2⊂C1⊂F2n构成的CSS码1|C2|1/2∑w∈C2|v+w⟩(v∈C1)记作CSS(C1:C2)。若对其施加Hadamard变换,则可以得到CSS(C2⊥:C1⊥)的叠加态。 证明: step1、C1⊥⊆C2⊥:略。
Rezig, HouriaBouallègue, RidhaBouallègue, AmmarScience PublicationsJournal of Computer ScienceBen Slimen, I., Trabelsi, O., Rezig, H., Bouallegue, R. and Bouallegue, A. (2007) Stop Conditions of BB84 Protocol via a Depolarizing Channel. Journal of Computational Science, 6, 424-429....
In this study, BB84 Quantum key distribution protocol, used for generating keys in noisy environments during operation, is simulated online platform. In order to establish a shared key between Alice and Bob in noised medium, the CASCADE protocol was applied to detect error correction for unmatched...
BB84protocol—Part4:Decoy-statemodulator (报批稿) 20XX-XX-XX发布20XX-XX-XX实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布 YD/T3907.4—20XX 前言 本文件按照GB/T1.1-2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起 草。 本文件是YD/T3907《基于BB84协议的量子密钥分发(QKD)用关键器件和模块》...
[3] SHOR P W, PRESKILL J. Simple proof of security of the BB84 quantum key distribution protocol[J]. Physical Review Letters, 2000, 85(2):441 444. [4] SCARANI V, BECHMANN PASQUINUCCI H, CERF N J, et al. The security of practical quantum key distribution[J]. Reviews of Modern Phy...
内容提示: ICS 33.180 M 33 YD 中华人民共和国通信行业标准 YD/T XXXX.1—XXXX 量子密钥分发(QKD)系统技术要求 第 1 部分:基于诱骗态 BB84 协议的 QKD 系统 Technical requirements for quantum key distribution (QKD) system -Part1: Decoy state BB84 protocol QKD system (报批稿) XXXX - XX - XX ...
Quantum cryptography and especially quantum key distribution (QKD) is a technique that allocates secure keys only for a short distance. QKD protocols establish secure key by consent of both the sender and receiver. However, communication has to take place via an authenticate channel. Without this ...