Explicit attack on the key in quantum cryptography (BB84 protocol) reaching the theoretical error limit Qc ≈ 11 - Molotkov, Timofeev () Citation Context ... 7.56% obtained here and in [5, 8] still has a gap from the asymptotical threshold of 11% reported by [9]. This gap can be ...
Changing the instant replay protocol, shortening breaks between scores and the ensuing kickoffs and repackaging commercial breaks are among the possibilities. What he can’t control is making the games themselves competitive. Average score of this year’s playoff games: 32-17. “What we’re ...
Thus, we point out that having higher mutual information may not directly lead to obtaining higher probability in guessing the key bit.{ }It is also explained in the work of Bru脽~that the six-state variant of the BB84 protocol is more secure than the traditional four-state BB84. We look...
It is also explained in the work of Bru? that the six-state variant of the BB84 protocol is more secure than the traditional four-state BB84. We look into this point in more detail and identify that this advantage is only achieved at the expense of communicating more qubits in the six-...