from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib def get_available_gpus(): local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices() return [ for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU'] print(get_available_gpus()) If we run the script with python, it prints all the ...
运行nodejs_image时,`Bazel run`在bazel-bin中找不到静态文件依赖 、 我正在尝试得到一个规则停靠nodejs_image运行使用bazel。我的命令是bazel run :image.binary 这是我的规则: load("@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl", "ts_project") load("@如果我调用bazel build :image,然后抓取/运行该映像,一切都...
传递命令行参数:要传递命令行参数给Python脚本,可以在运行Bazel命令时使用"--"符号来分隔Bazel选项和Python脚本的命令行参数。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 bazel run //:my_script -- arg1 arg2 上述命令将运行名为my_script的py_binary规则,并将arg1和arg2作为命令行参数传递给my_script.py脚本。 总结一下,使用...
Before Bazelisk was rewritten in Go, it was a Python script. This still works and has the advantage that you can run it on any platform that has a Python interpreter, but is currently unmaintained and it doesn't support as many features. The documentation below describes the newer Go vers...
Asana/bazeltsc- TypeScript compiler that knows how to run as a Bazel persistent worker bazelbuild/sandboxfs- A virtual file system for sandboxing JetBrains/teamcity-bazel-plugin- TeamCity plugin for Bazel (blogpost) philwo/bazelisk- A user-friendly launcher for Bazel ...
[f.path for f in ctx.files.inputs] # Action to call the script. 需要执行的动作 inputs = ctx.files.inputs, outputs = [ctx.outputs.out], // bazel 通过 outpust 是否生成来判读 build 是否成功 arguments = args, # progress_message = "Merging into %s" % ctx.outputs....
* TypeScript: Support multiple ts_config rules in .bazelproject * Android Studio: Index javac jar for javax.lang classes * Show failed test targets in test result UI v2017.05.08 === * Add Python support to CLion * Fix some bazel targets not being linkified in the run configuration ...
Bazel project support. Features: Import BUILD files into the IDE. BUILD file custom language support. Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule classes...
Before Bazelisk was rewritten in Go, it was a Python script. This still works and has the advantage that you can run it on any platform that has a Python interpreter, but is currently unmaintained and it doesn't support as many features. The documentation below describes the newer Go vers...
"$PYTHON_BIN_PATH" "${CONFIGURE_DIR}/" "$@" # 这行表明该configure文件是通过调用 对应的configure.py来完成配置过程的 echo "Configuration finished" 从configure.py的第1491行开始,发现如上述运行代码中展示的配置过程 set_build_var(environ_cp,'TF_NEED_JEMALLOC','jemalloc as malloc','wi...