Various methods and fields related to labels and repos are deprecated in favor of new options with clearer naming and intent. The deprecated APIs can be disabled by setting--noincompatible_enable_deprecated_label_apis. *native.repository_name()is deprecated in favor of the newnative.repo_name()...
Build command: python build/ \ --build_gpu_plugin --gpu_plugin_cuda_version=12 \ --verbose \ --enable_mkl_dnn \ --enable_nccl \ --enable_cuda \ --cuda_compute_capabilities 8.0 \ --target_cpu_features release \ --bazel_options=--repo_env=LOCAL_CUDA_PATH="${CUDA_HOME}"...
最终出错误的命令是: g++ -I. -std=c++0x -c '-DBLAZE_JAVA_CPU="k8"' -DBLAZE_OPENSOURCE=1 -o output/objs/ src/main/cpp/ 看起来是g++不支持 c++0x标准。上网搜了一下,发现gcc 4.6以上的版本才支持 C++ 11。怎么在Redhat Linux下安装更高版本...
bazelhelp <command> 打印<command>的帮助和选项。 bazel帮助startup_options JVM托管Bazel的选项。 bazel帮助目标语法 解释指定目标的语法。 bazel帮助信息键 显示info命令使用的键列表。 eg: bazelclean --expunge bazelquery"//:*"
#BAZEL_LINUX_GCC_OPTIONS="$BAZEL_LINUX_GCC_OPTIONS --cxxopt -stdlib=libc++"fiforTEST_GCC_FLAGSin"-Wno-unused-function""-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument";doTEST_GCC_FLAGS_SUCCESS=1echo""|"$USE_CC"-E"$TEST_GCC_FLAGS"->/dev/null2>&1||TEST_GCC_FLAGS_SUCCESS=0if[[$TEST_GCC_...
bazel help <command> Prints help and options for <command>. bazel help startup_options Options for the JVM hosting bazel. bazel help target-syntax Explains the syntax for specifying targets. bazel help info-keys Displays a list of keys used by the info command. ...
# Enable debugging tests with --config=debug test:debug --test_arg=--node_options=--inspect-brk --test_output=streamed --test_strategy=exclusive --test_timeout=9999 --nocache_test_results # Do not attempt to de-flake locally. # On CI we might set this to `3` to run with deflaki...
* The plugin now supports Xcode toolchain, not only the Xcode Command Line Tools fix(clion): Add Xcode information to Cpp compiler wrapper #4651 v2023.05.16 === * Improve performance of Java package parser by making it a Bazel worker #3686 * plugin_dev...
"compilerOptions": { "rootDirs": [ ".", "../../bazel-out/host/bin/path/to", "../../bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/path/to", "../../bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/path/to", "../../bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/path/to", "../../bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bi...
□ GitHub - yonaskolb/XcodeGen: A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project( □ GitHub - lyptt/struct: Xcode projects on steroids( □ GitHub - buildbuddy-io/rules_xcodeproj: Bazel rules for generating ...