1proto_library(2name ="http_proto",3srcs =[4"http.proto",5],6)78cc_proto_library(9name ="http_cc_proto",10deps = [":http_proto"],11) 这里cc_proto_library的deps一定要指向proto_library。 https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/c-cpp.html#cc_proto_library 然后对应的cc_binary...
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(cc_proto_library).ATTRIBUTE(deps) --> The list of proto_library...
proto_library( name = "data_proto", srcs = ["data.proto"], ) cc_proto_library( name = "data_cc_proto", deps = [":data_proto"], ) cc_library( name = "libdata", srcs = ["libdata.cpp"], includes = ["."], # 万恶之源 # deps = [":data_cc_proto"], # 漏掉了这个关键...
/protoc/BUILD实现如下: load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_proto_library") load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") cc_proto_library( name = "user_data_cc_pb", deps = [":user_data_pb"], ) proto_library( name = "user_data_pb", srcs = ["user_data.proto"],...
cc_library( name = "my_project_lib", srcs = [ "main.cpp", ], hdrs = [ "//subdirectory:file.h", ], deps = [ "//subdirectory:subdirectory_lib", "@brpc//:brpc", ], ) 编译协议: proto_library( name = "xxxx_proto_pb", ...
1 cc_library(2 name = "some_lib",3 srcs = ["some_lib.cc"],4 hdrs = ["include/some_lib.h"],5 copts = ["-Ilegacy/some_lib/include"],6 )这⾥就涉及到另⼀个参数,includes。includes和copts的使⽤区别主要有两点:a. includes不需要加-I,⽽且直接是相对路径就⾏。
cc_library cc_proto_library fdo_prefetch_hints fdo_profile cc_test 即使是bazel build官方文档,也不明确区分target和rule字眼,可以认为是一个意思 大体上,.bzl相当于.cmake文件,BUILD相当于CMakeLists.txt WORKSPACE,BUILD中用到了一些预定义的函数或变量,具体看这里:https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master...
为了实际读取文件的内容,我需要proto_library来解码信息。实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么?//src/main/protobuf:extra_actions_base_java_proto") 但这不起作用,因为我的工作区中没有工具来使用它,@b 浏览12提问于2018-01-24得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 SonarQube -无重复声纳方式、FindBugs、PMD和Checkstyle...
* Add support for java_lite_proto_library. v2017.09.25 === * Support HotSwapping when debugging java_binary targets. * Add an 'Update Directories' sync action, to add directories to the project without running Bazel (note: new directories won't properly resolve until a full sync...
java_proto_library: control strict-deps through a rule-level and a package-level attribute. Persistent workers are now used by default for Java compilation in Bazel, which should speed up your Java builds by ~4x. You can switch back to the old behavior via --strategy=Javac=standalone. Che...