Specifically when time series vibration data is transformed to a 2-dimensional cyclic spectral coherence maps, the accuracy of deep neural networks in classifying faults increases. Nevertheless, standard deep learning techniques are vulnerable to inaccurate predictions when tested with new...
Bayesian Deep Learning Summer School | 1.贝叶斯方法引言 最近一直在看变分推断方面的东西,同时想重新认识一下基于贝叶斯框架的建模方式和模型求解方法,碰巧看到了一个关于Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods 的 summer school。本想随便看看,结果成了我看过最详细最有逻辑的教程了。 这个summer school虽然只有6天,但...
4 Bayesian Deep Learning 4.1 A Brief History of Bayesian Neural Networks and Bayesian Deep Learning 4.2 General Framework 4.3 Perception Component 4.4 Task-Specific Component 5 Concrete BDL Models and Applications 5.1 Supervised Bayesian Deep Learning for Recommender Systems 5.2 Unsupervised Bayesian Deep ...
We presented a low-precision optimization framework for Bayesian deep learning that enables post-training quantization of BNNs using simple and familiar APIs. With the Bayesian-Torch quantization framework, the optimized 8-bit integer (INT8) BNN achieved up to 6.9x inference throughput speedup (Figu...
4.1 A Brief History of Bayesian Neural Networks and Bayesian Deep Learning 和BDL很相似的是BNN(Bayesian neural networks),这是一个相当古老的课题,然而BNN只是本文BDL框架下的一个子集——BNN相当于只有perception部分的BDL。 4.2 General Framework 如下图是文章提出的基本框架,红色部分是感知模块,蓝色部分是任务...
4.1 A Brief History of Bayesian Neural Networks and Bayesian Deep Learning 和BDL很相似的是BNN(Bayesian neural networks),这是一个相当古老的课题,然而BNN只是本文BDL框架下的一个子集——BNN相当于只有perception部分的BDL。 4.2 General Framework 如下图是文章提出的基本框架,红色部分是感知模块,蓝色部分是任务...
[5] Towards Bayesian deep learning: a framework and some existing methods. Hao Wang, Dit-Yan Yeung. TKDE, 2016. 本文来自:公众号【PaperWeekly】 作者:王灏 、毛成志 Illustrastion by Natasha Remarchuk from icons8 -The End- 扫码观看! 本周上新!
4.1 A Brief History of Bayesian Neural Networks and Bayesian Deep Learning 和BDL很相似的是BNN(Bayesian neural networks),这是一个相当古老的课题,然而BNN只是本文BDL框架下的一个子集——BNN相当于只有perception部分的BDL。 4.2 General Framework 如下图是文章提出的基本框架,红色部分是感知模块,蓝色部分是任务...
With Bayesian-Torch, developers can seamlessly convert a deep learning neural network model of any architecture to be uncertainty-aware using simple APIs. Bayesian-Torch is the first framework to support low-precision quantization of BDL models for efficient inference and is widely used b...
Physics-informed neural networks: a deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations J. Comput. Phys., 378 (2019), pp. 686-707, 10.1016/j.jcp.2018.10.045 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999118307125 View PDF...