A Survey on Bayesian Deep Learning HAO WANG,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA DIT-YAN YEUNG,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong A comprehensive artificial intelligence system needs to not only perceive the environment with different‘senses’(e.g.,seeing and hearing)but ...
该工作线由 (mackay1992practical,;hinton1993keeping,;neal1995bayesian,) 首创,但由于缺乏可扩展性,尚未被广泛采用。幸运的是,最近在这个方向上取得了一些进展( DBLP:conf/nips/Graves11,; kingma2013auto,; DBLP:conf/icml/Hernandez-Lobato15b,; DBLP:conf/icml/BlundellCKW15,; balan2015bayesian,; CDL,; NPN...
Task-Aware Variational Adversarial Active Learning (TA-VAAL)认为data distribution-based method不能很好地适应具体的任务,于是在VAAL的基础上添加了loss prediction和RankCGAN。 3.1.3 Deep Bayesian Active Learning (DBAL) DBAL将贝叶斯卷积神经网络同AL方法进行结合,使BALD适应了深度学习环境,从而为高维数据开发了一...
A Survey on Bayesian Deep Learning. ACM Comput. Surv. 2021 paper bib Hao Wang, Dit-Yan Yeung Bayesian Neural Networks: An Introduction and Survey. arXiv 2020 paper bib Ethan Goan, Clinton Fookes Bayesian Nonparametric Space Partitions: A Survey. IJCAI 2021 paper bib Xuhui Fan, Bin Li, Ling...
BIRL:最早使用贝叶斯方法解决IRL问题,提出用奖励偏好作为先验,行为轨迹作似然;用MCMC(马尔科夫蒙特卡洛)算法去寻找奖励的后验均值。具体的笔记可以参考:怎么能用实名:贝叶斯逆强化学习:Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning(BIRL) MAP:使用MAP作为估计值 高斯分布 ...
A Survey on Bayesian Deep Learning. ACL 2020 paper bib Hao Wang, Dit-Yan Yeung Bayesian Neural Networks: An Introduction and Survey. arXiv 2020 paper bib Ethan Goan, Clinton Fookes Bayesian Nonparametric Space Partitions: A Survey. arXiv 2020 paper bib Xuhui Fan, Bin Li, Ling Luo, Scott ...
Deep learning technology has enabled successful modeling of complex facial features when high-quality images are available. Nonetheless, accurate modeling and recognition of human faces in real-world scenarios “on the wild” or under adverse conditions
Cryptocurrency price prediction using traditional statistical and machine﹍earning techniques: A survey such as Bayesian regression, logistic regression, linear regression, support vector machine, artificial neural network, deep learning, and reinforcement learning... AM Khedr,I Arif,PV Pravija Raj,......
Feature Representation Learning with CNNsPOIRes利用CNN提取图像的特征(CNN对非结构化的多媒体数据提取特征有着显著的效果).基于CNN的推荐系统通过融合CNN提取的视觉信息以及文本的信息来作为输入信息,结合传统的MF,FM,BPRMF(Bayesian personalized ranking BPR)算法进行个性化推荐. ConTagNet(context-aware tag recommender...
作者在此列举了一些在医疗图像处理中衡量Uncertainty的论文,有使用ensemble learning的,使用Bayesian CNNs的, 也有geometric smoothness priors,感兴趣的同学可以读下原文。 2.2.2. 代表性(Representativeness) 许多AL框架扩展了选择策略,除了度量不确定性外,还度量某种代表性。 出发点是,仅使用不确定性的方法有可能只关注...