The battery no longer holds a nice long charge - I get about 2 to 2.5 hours out of a full charge. The battery has 149 cycles on it, which is obviously high (and correct, I use the hell out of it). With it still being in warranty, is it worth pursuing a replacem...
韩语 英语(美国) 印尼语 关于英语(美国) 的问题 "I use my cell phone until the battery no longer holds a good charge."What does "hold a good charge" mean? 查看翻译 Roarin78 4 分钟 英语(美国) That the battery drains really fast :) 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮...
Apple Watch won't hold a charge for more than an hour I need to submit my watch or repair/replacement because the battery no longer holds a charge for very long after its been fully charged. Model A2294 Ser# H4***1XT [Edited by Moderator] 2 years ago 366 1 Watch does not hold...
No one wants the frustration of having the battery die when there’s nowhere to charge your phone, not to mention the hassle and expense of replacing the battery – or even the phone – when it will no longer holds a Alyssa Schmitt Don’t miss out on the perfect selfie ...
I have a Lenovo Yoga 6. It's up to date and I shut it down when I am not using. When I try to charge it it's not charging very quickly at all. When unplugged it holds charge well for a number of hours but never seems to be at 100%. I have tried charging it when using in...
performance. Too often, people overlook caring for their laptop’s battery. Without proper care, the battery will degrade and hold less of a charge over time, meaning you’ll end up forgoing portability. Plus, you’ll have to replace the battery outright if it no longer holds a charge at...
Battery tender holds the chargeReports on the availability of the SuperSmart Battery Tender. Capabilities; Specifications; Price; Contact information.Benenson, TomFlying
Holds charge longer when not in use Low self-discharge rate Longer cycle life Minimal maintenance Installation flexibility — no need to keep AGM or gel batteries upright Less sensitivity to extreme cold Resistant to vibration No spills or leaks Minimal off-gassing — can be operated in a confi...
iv. If you plan to store your device for longer than six months, charge it to 50 percent every six months; iPhone battery draining fast – how to fix it? If your iPhone battery drains fast without any apparent reason and your phone gets hot, try the 10 proven tips given below on how...
I am charging a battery on trickle charge, I know that much, but how do I know what the red and black bits on the charger mean? And how long til it charges? My hubby used to do all this but alas he is no longer here. Thanks for input Reply • May 9, 2013 at 4:35 pm ...