中药分子机制的阐明已成为中药现代化和国际化亟待解决的瓶颈。 随着中药成分数据库(如TCM-ID7,TCM Database,TCMID6)的出现和化合物-靶标相互作用预测方法的发展,越来越多的证据表明,结合中药成分的靶标预测和深入的网络药理学分析是分析其分子机制的可行和有力的方法。例如结合药效团建模技术和对接技术,通过构建和分...
为了满足药物研发领域的需求,该团队近期对BATMAN-TCM网站进行了升级,显著增加了TTI网络的覆盖范围,目前已有17,068个已知TTI(增长62.3倍)和2,319,272个高置信度预测TTI(增长3.23倍)。2023年10月31日,该论文“BATMAN-TCM 2.0: an enhanced integrative database for known and predicted linkages between traditional C...
为了满足药物研发领域的需求,该团队近期对BATMAN-TCM网站进行了升级,显著增加了TTI网络的覆盖范围,目前已有17,068个已知TTI(增长62.3倍)和2,319,272个高置信度预测TTI(增长3.23倍)。2023年10月31日,该论文“BATMAN-TCM 2.0: an enhanced integrative database for known and predicted linkages between traditional C...
2. TCMID(Traditional Chinese Medicines Integrated Database):http://www.megabionet.org/tcmid/ TCMID也有类似的功能,⽐如我们看到关于处⽅⼆神丸的介绍:这⾥看到⼀位中药破故纸,还以为是这个呢:原来是这个:破故纸,⼜名:补⾻脂,婆固脂,胡⾲⼦,种⼦⼊药,有补肾壮阳、补脾健胃之...
TCM Database@Taiwan: The World's Largest Traditional Chinese Medicine Database for Drug Screening In Silico. Rapid advancing computational technologies have greatly speeded up the development of computer-aided drug design (CADD). Recently, pharmaceutical companies... YC Chen - 《Plos One》 被引量:...
database backstage; 2) Integration analyses of each ingredient’s (potential) targets; 3) Comparison analyses of multiple TCMs. BATMAN-TCM also supports the input of customized ingredient list and enables the analysis of a formula/herb not in the database backstage. These analysis functions will ...
were identified using the Bioinformatics Analysis Tool for Molecular mechANism of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2.0 (BATMAN-TCM 2.0) database and TCMSP data... H Wang,W Xiong,Y Laram,... - 《Bmc Complementary Medicine & Therapies》 被引量: 0发表: 2024年 基于加权基因共表达网络分析和分子对接探...
besides integrating known formula/ herb-ingredient-target-disease association information, as an analysis tool BATMAN-TCM provides multiple unique analysis functions, including 1) Online target prediction for ingredients without targets in database back- stage; 2) Integration analyses of each ingredient's...
[Methods] The BATMAN-TCM server was used to predict the potential targets of Zhizi Ganjiang Decoction, and the Gen-eCards database searched for targets related to liver cirrhosis; Cytoscape 3.5.1 software was used to construct compound-cirrhosis targ...
2.TCMID(Traditional Chinese Medicines Integrated Database):http://www.megabionet.org/tcmid/ TCMID也有类似的功能,比如我们看到关于处方二神丸的介绍: 这里看到一位中药破故纸,还以为是这个呢: 原来是这个: 破故纸,又名:补骨脂,婆固脂,胡韭子,种子入药,有补肾壮阳、补脾健胃之功能,并可治牛皮癣等皮肤病。