Estimation of lattice strain and structural study of BaTiO3/PS polymer composite using X-ray peak profile analysisXRDBaTiO3PolystyreneW-H ModelSSPSEMNanocompositesModeling and simulationDIELECTRIC-PROPERTIESBARIUM-TITANATEBarium titanate-polystyrene polymer composite (BaTiO3/PS) was synthesized by the solvent...
Combined with the analysis of XRD patterns, Raman scattering peaks, EDS, XPS and dielectric temperature spectra, it can be seen that the difference between SS-BBTC and HD-BBTC ceramics lies in the substituted site of Ca2+, which directly leads to a huge difference in the dielectric properties...
Fig.4 XRDpatternat ( 111 ) peakofBaTiO3ceramics byultra highpressuresinteringat1000℃ 7 5 第 1 期 肖长江等:纳米 BaTiO3 陶瓷的超高压烧结 3.2 烧结体的压电性 目前已对用不同烧结方法得到的纳米钛酸钡陶 图 5 在 1000℃ 条件下超高压烧结得到的 ...
The XRD patterns of the BT-BM ceramics are shown in Fig. 1, indicating that all the BT-BM ceramics exhibited a main perovskite structure. The diffraction peak located near 45° gradually changed from a split peak to a single one with increasing content of BM, indicating the weakening of th...
Zr制备出了Ba(Zr。Til.。)03(x=0,0.05,0.08,0.20,1.O)陶瓷,经XRD分析知这些 陶瓷均为钙钛矿结构。他们在70.575K的温度范围内测量了样品的介电常数 和Raman光谱,结果发现四方相一立方相的相变温度随Zr含量的升高而降低; 斜方相.四方相的相变温度开始时随Zr含量的升高而升高,当x=0.15时四方 相一立方相的相...
BaTiO3 伪立方相 向四方相转变, 随着四方性提高, 居里温度处的介 电峰变得更尖锐[12-13]; (2)陶瓷晶粒能够均匀化地 生长[15]; (3)退火后陶瓷的结晶度得到了提高, 表明 使用乙酸处理粉末并进行退火处理能提高冷烧结制备 BaTiO3 陶瓷的介电性能, 降低冷烧结 BaTiO3 的图 5 BaTiO3 陶瓷的 XRD 图谱 Fig....
利用旋涂技术,在聚二甲基硅氧烷( PDMS )混合液中掺入不同质量分数(30% , , 50% , , 70%)的钛酸钡 ( BaTi 〇3)纳米颗粒,并将混合物均匀涂在洁净的硅片表面进行旋涂处理;加热固化制得压电薄膜,并对压电薄膜进 行极化处理,分别运用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM ), X 线衍射( XRD )仪分析薄膜表面和 BaTi 〇3粉...
(XRD) measurements with a Cu Kα1source (Supplementary Fig.4). From reciprocal space maps of the BTO film around the PSO{(33\bar{2})}_{{{\rm{O}}}and PSO{(240)}_{{{\rm{O}}}reflections, we concluded that the BTO films are fully coherent with the PSO substrate. The lattice...
In the locally magnified XRD patterns as shown in Fig. 1(b), the (111) around 39° and (200) around 45° peaks are typically used to identify R phase structure. A splitting (111) peak with a single (200) peak suggests a predominance of R phase [29]. Peaks splits of (111) ...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns in Figure 1 show that the nanowires are composed of highly crystalline, cubic per- ovskite structure of BaTiO 3 (pattern a) and SrTiO 3 (pat- tern b). The unit-cell parameters for BaTiO 3 and SrTiO ...