Overtime:加时赛,时间为5分钟。 Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。 Pass:传球。 Personal foul:个人犯规。 Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护,英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接队友的传球,在无人防守的情...
Basketball 篮球英语 Basketball 篮球英语
Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。 Pass:传球。 Personal foul:个人犯规。 Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。Pick n' Roll是Malone和...
Carrying the Ball:A violation that happens when a player turns the ball over in their hand while dribbling, putting their hand under the ball instead of on top of it. This violation results in a turnover when called by the referee. Also known as palming. Catch and Face:A movement of a...
nba篮球术语(NBAbasketballterminology)nba篮球术语(NBA basketball terminology)Nba篮球术语 The Achilles tendon 跟腱.Agent 经纪人.Air ball "三不沾", 投出的球什么都没碰到.按merriam webster给出的解释是a Miss shot in basketball that fails to touch the kidney and backboard所以直译过来应该是 "两不沾"...
Palming:我们常说的二次运球,走步,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。 Pass:传球。Penetration:渗透。 Period:节。 Personal foul:个人犯规。 Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护英 语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再 接队友的传球,在无人防守...
Carrying/palming. When a player dribbles the ball with his hand too far to the side of or, sometimes, even under the ball. Double Dribble. Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble. ...
Palming a basketball helps you control it, but it’s not necessary most of the time. For example, you should use only your fingers while dribbling, shooting and passing. But palming is important in some situations. Players who dunk often palm the ball because they can reach farther with ...
Traveling, three seconds, double dribble, carrying, palming, held ball, tie ball, backcourt violatin, time restrictions. What is the penalty for a violation? The other team will get possession of th ball. How many free throws can the team take if they are fouled while shooting for two po...
driving to the hoop 带球上篮运球 dribble fadeaway 后仰 (投篮) hand checking 打手滞空时间 hang time hang 滞空单手扣篮 one handed jam carrying the ball 翻腕 = palming 以一只脚为中枢脚转动身体改变方向的动作 pin. press 紧逼防守盖帽 model reverse 反身的 two handed jam 双手扣篮腹股沟拉伤 groin...