日常生活中的日語单词-基础词汇 Japanese Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary (合集) 893 -- 8:00:01 App 8小时超长 荷兰语基础词汇语句 37.8万 92 0:16 App 小语种的难度排行榜 8173 21 2:56:27 App 荷兰语-日常-对话-中慢速-语法篇-learnDutch 5.9万 16 74:51:29 App 4000 Essential...
You will have rich vocabulary and will be able to use it naturally! Let’s talk with people in Dutch! Learn Faster from Your Mother Tongue You are able to learn any of our 50+ languages from your mother tongue to help you to learn Dutch words naturally and easily. Asia Pacific Japanese...
Nice Pictures with Voice, Various Learning Modes Look at the beautiful and vivid flashcards, listen to the native Dutch speaker’s pronunciation on phrases and words and try to speak! Learn and memorize basic Dutch vocabulary and phrases effectively in an amusing way! Various learning modes: ・...
basic in Chinese: 1. 基础的 Chinese word "basic"(基础的) occurs in sets:表示意见 - Expressing opinions related words different in Chineseavailable in Chinesedifficult in Chineseskinny in Chineseimportant in Chinesethirsty in Chinesedelicious in Chinese other words beginning with "B" base in ...
Learn 50+ languages basic vocabulary with LingoCards app. Suitable for beginner, traveling and children. Essential words, alphabets are here!
can learn to master. The reason for this, is thatGerman and English have the same Germanic roots; 40% of words in German sound similar to those that are equivalent in English. A segment of German words have Greek and Latin backgrounds, with a few of them being derived from French and ...
• By listening to native speakers, learners can gain knowledge of advanced Japanese grammar rules to apply in real-life conversations without the need to study the rules themselves. Learn Japanese Online Japanese words Japanese phrases and expressions ...
So you now have all the essential Chinese words and phrases you need to be able to survive in Chinese-speaking countries. But, it would be great if you could learn Chinese from its beginning structure rather than as a shortcut to remember words and phrases easier. Though these essential Chi...
12. A Day in my Life - Anna-Lisa 13. A Day in my Life - Krystallia 14. Swedes Abroad 15. Garden 16. Transportation - Krystallia 17. Transportation - Anna-Lisa 18. Living in Sweden 19. Dream Day Interview 1 20. Dream Day Interview 2 ...
basic in Luxembourgish: 1. grondleeënd Ech schwätze keen Italienesch, mee ech kennen e puer grondleeënd Wierder. Luxembourg word "basic"(grondleeënd) occurs in sets:Adjektiven an Adverben 50 - 100 - Adjectives and a... related words different in Luxembourgishavailable in ...