Life in France Residency Card PACSed/Married Driver's License Health Insurance Travel in Europe Buy e-booksLearn Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, and Grammar in 22 Languages currently features twenty-two language tutorials (19 Indo-European and 3 non-Indo-European). There are also Forei...
Once you think you've mastered these basic Spanish phrases, try the audio flashcards and exercises to test your memory. Return to the Spanish I Tutorial for more Spanish (and recordings) or head over to Authentic Spanish to listen to how Spanish is actually spoken in various countries, and ...
Whatever the reason is, it is really commendable for you to start learning Korean, so here’s a list of Basic Words and Phrases in Korean for you to start with: 1. 네 (ne) English Translation: Yes 네 (ne) is used the same way it is used in the English language. As a traveler...
German Etiquette Phrases 18. How to Say Excuse me in German “Excuse me” in German is: Entschuldigen Sie “Excuse me” in German isPronounced: Ent-shool-dig-en zee 19. How to Say No Problem in German “No Problem” in German is: Kein Problem “No Problem” in German isPronounced: K...
Basic Finnish Phrases Hi!Moi! (Moi moi!) Good morning.Hyvää huomenta. Good day.Hyvää päivää. Good evening.Hyvää iltaa. Good night.Hyvää yötä. How are you?Mitä kuuluu? Fine, thanks.Kiitos hyvää.
Basic German Phrases If you'd like to study these phrases (and their pronunciations) individually, please go to Basic German Phrases. Guten Morgen goot-en mor-gen Good Morning Guten Tag goot-en tahk Hello/Good Day Guten Abend goot-en ah-bent Good Evening Gute Nacht goot-eh nakht Good ...
Remember over 500 basic phrases in Japanese! Learn quickly and efficiently with the SuperMemo Method. A few minutes a day is enough. Start the course today.
Basic Chinese Phrases Chinese Phrases Used At The Airport Whether arriving or departing at the airport, you will eventually meet at least one Chinese person. It can be ground staff or other passengers. So you better have these basic Chinese phrases in mind. ...
Look at the beautiful and vivid flashcards, listen to the native Dutch speaker’s pronunciation on phrases and words and try to speak! Learn and memorize basic Dutch vocabulary and phrases effectively in an amusing way! Various learning modes: ...
Speaks:Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish View all posts by Benny Lewis