(Example of Establishing a Basic Stats Model for RPG Characters) 作者:艾孜麦提·阿迪力 时间:2024年3月29日 RPG角色基础数值模型建立示例 基础设定 1.角色【战士】【弓箭手】【法师】【牧师】 2.属性【攻击力】【防御力】【血量】 3.增长【每升一级所增加的属性值】 4.加成【每提升10级时,角色获得额外...
调用obj_player_stats的room_start_action动画,然后前往obj_player_stats记录的房间 然后运行游戏,在第一个房间先save存档,开始穿过传送门,打开Menu菜单load游戏,报一个错误 它的意思是想要读取的文件"file"没有被打开。回到scr_load_game脚本,发现原因是错误使用的save.txt的命名,将其修改为在25节中的文件命名“my...
RPG Rank:152 Num Ratings:98 Average Rating:7.12 Standard Deviation:2.07 Num Views:12957 GeekBuddy Analysis:Analyze Similarly Rated:View Avg. Game Weight:2.6 Fans:22 Personal Comments:12 Users Owning:159 Users Wanting:2 Users Trading:0[find trade matches] ...
Community Stats Own: 1 Wishlist: 1 For Trade: Find For Trade Matches 0 Want In Trade: Find Want in Trade Matches 0 Has Parts: 0 Wants Parts: 0 See All Stats BGG Item ID: 46501 Buy a Copy Stores eBay We may earn a commission when you buy through these links. GeekMarket...
Often as you discover unique weapons as you go through a game, it just comes with higher stats, which feels a bit boring. The thing is, it is easy to think of cool ideas *IN THEORY* - but often they would require plugins or a bunch of programming knowledge. I'm looking...
RPG(Rebounds per game): 场均篮板 APG(Assists per game): 场均助攻 SPG(Steals per game):场均抢断 BPG(Blocks per game):场均盖帽 前场篮板(offensive rebound):即进攻篮板,指攻方抢得的篮板,前场篮板争取二次进攻的机会。 后场篮板(defensive rebound):即防守篮板,指守方抢得的篮板,后场篮板赢得防守反击...
Top 25 best RPGs for iPhone and iPad (iOS) Try to do the Abyss every single day, even if you aren't moving up the stages. Even the highest completed stage rewards will come in handy when you want to upgrade your units. Tip #3: Focus on one unit at a time ...
So, the current work regards designing and implementing a SG with various game features found in role-playing games (RPGs) that are tightly connected with the educational content through the game’s scenario, having as an ultimate goal to familiarize users with the basic concepts and terminology...
Character creation was pretty straight forward. My players found that traditional 3d6 rolls for stats, were a lot tougher than any of us remembered: a sign that most of us had grown soft using stat lines. The end result was the weak, and not so bright Thief, theveryweak Mage, and two...
Heck, I even have a Claymore that is "Blunt" element and also has its defense/attack stats switched around so that it can basically be used for tanking (instead of the 16 attack and 8 defense it would normally confer, it gives 4 attack and 20 defense). Without ...