字符串中抽取从 start 下标开始的指定数目的字符. stringObject.substr(start,length);start必须,length可选. start 是截取的开始位置的下标,从0开始算起,必须是数字.可以是负数,-1是倒数第一个字符,-2是倒数第二个字符,以此类推. length 是要截取
9. 获取子字符串 string="this is a substring test" substring=${string:10:9} 1. 2. 解释: substring=${string_variable_name:starting_position:length}。 10. 字符串替换 alpha="This is a test string in which the word \"test\" is replaced." beta="${alpha/test/replace}" beta="${alpha/...
${string%%substring} 从$string的结尾位置截掉最长匹配的$substring. 1 stringZ=abcABC123ABCabc 2# || 3# |---| 4 5 echo ${stringZ%b*c}# abcABC123ABCa 6# 从$stringZ的结尾位置截掉'b'到'c'之间最短的匹配. 7 8 echo ${stringZ%%b*c}# a 9# 从$stringZ的结尾位置截掉'b'到'c'...
4. 替换子串: ${string/substr1/substr2} 将 string 中的 substr1 替换为 substr2, 不修改原字符串且仅替换匹配到的第一个5. 删除子串: ${string/substring} 删除 string 中 substring 子串, 不修改原字符串且仅删除匹配到的第一个 string="test string" echo "${#string}" # output: 11 str1="...
解释:substring=${string_variable_name:starting_position:length}。 10. 字符串替换 alpha="This is a test string in which the word \"test\" is replaced." beta="${alpha/test/replace}" beta="${alpha//test/replace}" 解释:用"replace"替换”test“。如果想替换字符串里所有的”test“,就使用 第...
在Bash Shell中,要删除字符串中出现的第n个字符,可以使用以下方法: 1. 使用字符串切片(Substring)操作: - 首先,使用`${var:0:n-1}`获取字符串中的前n-1...
${string#substring} 从string的开头, 删除最短匹配substring的子串 ${string##substring} 从string的开头, 删除最长匹配substring的子串 ${string%substring} 从string的结尾, 删除最短匹配substring的子串 ${string%%substring} 从string的结尾, 删除最长匹配substring的子串 记忆: #表示从头匹配,%表示从尾匹配 一个...
contents of the variable.az account list--query"[? contains(name, 'Test')].id"-otsv# Returns the subscription id of a non-default subscription containing the substring 'Test'subscriptionId="$(az account list --query "[? contains(name, 'Test')].id"-otsv)# Captures the subscription id...
If set to the value exact, the string supplied must match the name of a stopped job exactly; if set to substring, the string supplied needs to match a substring of the name of a stopped job. The sub- string value provides functionality analogous to the %? job identifier (see JOB ...
Checking if a string contains a substring is one of the most basic and frequently used operations in Bash scripting. After reading this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of how to test whether a string includes another string. You can also use other commands like awk or sed for...