Checking if a string contains a substring is one of the most basic and frequently used operations in Bash scripting. After reading this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of how to test whether a string includes another string. You can also use other commands like awk or sed for...
Checking for substring in bash using if else statement If you are familiar with theconditional statements in bash, you can use it to check if a string contains the substring in the following manner: if [[ $fullstring == *"$substr"* ]]; Simple example for checking substring The double br...
940 PHP - How to check if string contains substring PHP Checking if a string contains a substring in Bash / Published in: Bash Expand | Embed | Plain Text string='My string'; if [[ $string == *My* ]] then echo "It's there!"; fiURL:
另请参见:Bash String Comparison: Find Out IF a Variable Contains a Substring
想了解更多请阅读 bash 的 man 页: man bash man cut 另请参见:Bash String Comparison: Find Out IF a Variable Contains a Substring 译文出处 via: 作者:Vivek Gite译者:lujun9972校对:wxy...
if [[ $VAR == *"NAP"* ]]; then echo "The string contains the NAP substring." else echo "The string doesn't contain the specified substring." fi 2. Run the script: The output states that the specified substring is a part of the string. ...
az account list --query "[? contains(name, 'Test')].id" -o tsv # Returns the subscription id of a non-default subscription containing the substring 'Test' subscriptionId="$(az account list --query "[? contains(name, 'Test')].id" -o tsv) # Captures the subscription id as a varia...
[1] 用于在扩展后进行单词分割,并用内建的 read 命令将行分割为词。...它的语法为:想了解更多请阅读 bash 的 man 页:另请参见:Bash String Comparison: Find Out IF a Variable Contains a Substring 1.6K90 Shell 参数扩展及各类括号在 Shell 编程中的应用 今天看有人总结了 shell 下的参数扩展,但不是...
Exercise 4: Write a script that accepts two string arguments. The script should check if the first string contains the second argument as a substring. Hint: Refer to the previous chapter onbash strings You may discuss your solution in the Community: ...
1. fvt-setup-1:Toperform initial setup.2. fvt-server-2:Toperform server commands.3. fvt-client-3:Toperform client commands.4. fvt-cleanup:Tocleanup the temporary files,inordertoprepareforthe repetitionofthe above test cases. 4. 在每个 shell 脚本中提供注释和说明 ...