export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH" 添加后,重新加载配置文件或重新打开终端,然后再次尝试运行 poetry --version。 5. 测试Poetry命令是否可正常工作 安装并配置好环境变量后,你可以通过运行以下命令来测试 poetry 是否正常工作: bash poetry new my-python-project cd my-python-project poetry install poetry...
cimg/python:3.10.1 image I would say that pytest is not installed by default, but instead loaded by your selected package manager. The ORB documentation can be found here https://circleci.com/developer/orbs/orb/circleci/python One of the examples shows pytest being used with poetry - where...
Dec 24 09:11:24 PM==> Using Poetry version 1.7.1 (default) Dec 24 09:11:24 PM==> Docs on specifying a Poetry version:Specifying a Poetry Version | Render Docs Dec 24 09:11:24 PM==> Running build command ‘echo “No build command required”’… Dec 24 09:11:24 PMNo build com...
(Note: I did not have the drive space to create a testing VM. This assumes you have the same system config as me. If needed I can find some space and spin up an environment) Open Steam Run a Windows only game that is confirmed to work on proton (Planetside 2 with --no-gpu in ...
这可能有点混乱,因为aws-cdk-lib也是在编写Python CDK应用程序 * 和 * 有效的npm包时所需的Python...
cimg/python:3.10.1 image I would say that pytest is not installed by default, but instead loaded by your selected package manager. The ORB documentation can be found here https://circleci.com/developer/orbs/orb/circleci/python One of the examples shows pytest being used with poetry - where...