If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (-vvvoption). OS version and name: Poetry version: Issue I am in ubuntu, I created an environment with conda and then I run the installation for poetry, but after that I got that message?
zsh: command not found: poetry Works fine if I dosource $HOME/.poetry/env. But doesn't retain for a new shell. I have to do this every time I open a new shell. Copy link Member sdispatercommentedOct 18, 2018 If you do:
不过此时 miniconda 并不在系统变量中,无法直接通过命令调用,体现为: well404@ubuntu2004:~$ conda conda:commandnot found 此时查看该用户的.bsahrc文件(cat ~/.bashrc),我们可以看到其文件结尾处被添加了如下内容: # >>> conda initialize >>># !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init'...
我正在尝试使用命令在 Ubuntu 18.04 实例上安装 Poetrycurl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python3 -。 \n 目前,我的 $HOME 环境变量指向/home/fromzeroedu. \n 然而,安装后,Poetry 已安装在我的 Windows 用户主目录中: ...
我试图在Ubuntu20.04.3LTS上使用按推荐的方式安装诗歌:当我这样做的时候,上面写着: content.com/python-poetry/poetry 浏览0提问于2021-12-02得票数0 回答已采纳 1回答 ModuleNotFoundError:在卸载诗歌时没有名为“poetry.console”的模块 、、、 首先,我运行了poetryupdate,它似乎很有效。\.poetry\bin\poetry"...
poetry将基于python 3.10.0创建带有venv的example-project。这对我不再有效,所以我发现这些命令 * 确实...
安装已在 Mac 和 Linux(Ubuntu 和 Debian)上进行了测试。你需要 python 3.9+ 和 poetry。...•在 marker 根文件夹中创建一个 local.env 文件,其中包含 TESSDATA_PREFIX=/path/to/tessdata•安装 python 要求•poetry install•poetry...shell 激活你的 poetry venv•更新 pytorch,因为 poetry 与它...
Finally, some operating systems may bundle Poetry as a native package. For example, if you’re using a Debian-based system like Ubuntu, then you might be able to install Poetry with apt, like so:Shell $ sudo apt install python3-poetry ...
==> alicloud-ecs: Force delete flag found, skipping prevalidating alicloud image name alicloud-ecs: Found image ID: ubuntu_14_0405_64_40G_base_20170222.vhd ==> alicloud-ecs: Not using temporary keypair ==> alicloud-ecs: Start create alicloud vpc ...
dev gh-pages asm-command-set-default-arch fix-flake-lock2024.02.14 2023.07.17-pkgs 2023.07.17 debian10-final ubuntu18.04-final 2023.03.19 2022.12.19 2022.08.30 2022.01.05 2021.06.22 2020.07.23 2019.12.09 2019.01.25 2018.07.29 2017.09.26 2017.02.01 2016.09.22 2016.09.12pwndbg ...