#include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #define LL long long using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1e6 + 10, INF = 1e9 + 10, mod = 1e9 + 7; inline int read() { char c = getchar(); int x = 0, f = 1; while(c < '0' || c > '9') {if(c == '-') f = -1; c...
757E. Bash Plays with Functions 题解 757E. Bash Plays with Functions 题意:定义函数 \[f_0(n) = \sum_{u * v =n} [gcd(u, v) = 1]\] \[f_{r + 1}(n) = \sum_{u*v = n} \frac{f_r(u) + f_r(v)}{2}\] 给定\(q\) 次询问,每次询问给出 \(r,n\)...
给你q个询问; 每个询问包含r和n; 让你输出f[r][n]; 这里f[0][n]是n分解成两个数u,v的乘积的个数; 这里u和v互质; 而f[r][n]当r>0时,有个递推式; 【题解】 那个递推式等价于 即n的所有因子x的f[r][x]的和; 这里需要知道; f[0][n]=2n的不同质因子个数 且容易得到 当a和b互质的...
$$= \sum_{d\mid n} f_{r - 1}(d)$$ 很显然,这是$f_r(n)$与$1$的狄利克雷卷积 根据归纳法可以证明$f_r(n)$为积性函数 我们可以对每个质因子分别考虑他们的贡献 考虑$f_0(p^k) = [k =0]+1$,与$p$是无关的,因此我们只要枚举$r$和$k$就好 ...
那么DP,用(dp[i][j])表示(f_i(p^j)),则(dp[i][j]=sum_{k=0}^jdp[i-1][k])。 询问时对(n)分解质因数即可。 #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<cctype> #define gc() (SS==TT&&(TT=(SS=IN)+fread(IN,1,MAXIN,stdin),SS==TT)?EOF:*SS++) const int N=1e6+3,M=21...
A deployment is a Bash script with three specially named functions: one tocheck, another toinstall, third toremove. No assumptions are made about what a deployment does for a living. The return codes are used to communicate status back to the framework. As such, authoring a deployment is ak...
Understanding the Bash exit command is not just about controlling the flow of small scripts. Its utility extends to larger scripts and programs, where it plays a vital role in ensuring their robustness and reliability. Consider a large script with several functions. Each function might perform a ...
First, we wrapped the variable containing the string with the curly brackets and preceded the # operator with the variable.The # operator plays an essential role in printing the length of the string. If # is not used, the code will print the whole string, so adding it to the variable is...
Each spiker has a shield studded with spikes (see below). Spike-Rush Shield.This shield functions as a standard shield but is adorned with short spikes. If you make a shove attack while using the shield, you can choose to deal 1d4 piercing damage on a success. ...