Variables:Store data that can be referenced and manipulated throughout the script. Loops:Execute commands repeatedly, such asforandwhileloops. Conditionals:Make decisions in your script usingif,elif, andelsestatements. Functions:Define reusable blocks of code that can be called multiple times within t...
Write a Bash script that defines a function called power which takes two numbers as arguments and prints the result of raising the first number to the power of the second number. Code: #!/bin/bash # Define the power function power() { local base=$1 local exponent=$2 local result=$((...
上面脚本的运行结果如下。 $ fn: foo=1global: foo= 上面例子中,local命令声明的$foo变量,只在函数体内有效,函数体外没有定义。 #参考链接 How to define and use functions in Linux Shell Scriptopen in new window, by Pradeep Kumar
Function # define a functionfunctionfun_name(){command...}## orfun_name(){# arg1 arg2 arg3command...}# apply a functionfun_name$arg1$arg2$arg3# dereferencefun_name(){# arg1eval"$1=hello"}fun_name arg1## the above code block is equivalent toarg1=hello Debugging take good use of ...
函数(function)是可以重复使用的代码片段,有利于代码的复用。它与别名(alias)的区别是,别名只适合封装简单的单个命令,函数则可以封装复杂的多行命令。函数总是在当前 Shell 执行,这是跟脚本的一个重大区别,Bash 会新建一个子 Shell 执行脚本。如果函数与脚本同名,函数会优先执行。但是,函数的优先级不如别名,即如果...
/bin/bash # difine bash trap command trap bashtrap INT # clear screen command clear; # define trap function:bashtrap, bashstrap is executed when CTRL-C is pressed; bashtrap() { echo "bash trap detected "CTRL+C" when script is executed. " } # for loop from 1/10 to 10/10 for a...
However, since 'inside_variable' is declared as a local variable inside the function, it is not accessible outside the function. 8. Command Output to Variable: Write a Bash script that uses command substitution to store the output of the datetime command in a variable named "currentDateTime"...
Define and call a function: // greet() { echo "hello world"} greet// call a function Pass parameters to the function: greet() {echo"$1 world"} greet"hello" $1: means the first param passed in to the function. Get the return value: ...
/* Command Types: */enumcommand_type{cm_for,cm_case,cm_while,cm_if,cm_simple,cm_select,cm_connection,cm_function_def,cm_until,cm_group,cm_arith,cm_cond,cm_arith_for,cm_subshell,cm_coproc}; 整型成员flags定义了命令的执行环境,比如是否在子shell中执行,是否在后台执行等等。 联合成员value指明...
# Define a function that simulates a CPU-bound task cpu_task() { # Get the current process's CPU affinity core_id=$(taskset -cp $$ | awk '{print $NF}') echo "Running on core $core_id" sleep 2 # Simulate a task } export -f cpu_task # Make the function available to subshe...