[42,55]} $ # json.array values can be arrays too $ json.array @names:string[] @sizes:number[] :null[] :bool[]=true [["Bob Bobson","Alice Alison"],[42,55],[null],[true]] $ # And jb-array values can be arrays as well $ jb-array :[,]="Bob Bobson,Alice Alison" :...
It's a good idea to manually install a specific ShellCheck version regardless. This avoids any surprise build breaks when a new version with new warnings is published. For customized filtering or reporting, ShellCheck can output simple JSON, CheckStyle compatible XML, GCC compatible warnings as well...
json.bash is a command-line tool and bash library that creates JSON. $ jb name=json.bash creates=JSON dependencies:[,]=Bash,Grep {"name":"json.bash","creates":"JSON","dependencies":["Bash","Grep"]} $ # Values are strings unless explicitly typed $ jb id=42 size:number=42 surname...
所以git bash中输入tree命令时,自身/usr/bin中没有tree.exe文件,而系统中也没有tree.exe命令,那么就会提示找不到命令了啊! 手动补全命令 那么第一种调用方法便是补全后缀名,这样自然能够调用cmd的tree.com命令. git bash并不识别.com后缀的命令,输入tree命令时以为是tree.exe,实际上tree命令应该是tree.com的简写...
{http_code}-X POST --silent --output $TMP\-H"Content-Type: application/json"-d"$OKM_PATH$DIR""$OKM_SERVICE/services/rest/folder/createSimple")if[$RETCODE !="200"];thenecho-e"${ERROR}ERROR ->$(cat $TMP)${RESET}";elseecho-e"${OK}Folder created:${OKM_PATH}${DIR}${RESET}"...
scp: /var/log/lshw-dump.json: No suchfileor directory parse error: Expected separator between values at line3,column9 Next, I demonstrate a few things to make your script more robust and in some times recover from failure. The nuclear option: Failing hard, failing fast ...
git bash 是Windows 用户安装 git 时默认安装的命令行工具,不仅界面漂亮功能也不错,大多数情况下可以替代 Windows 原生的 cmd 命令行. 然而,git bash 命令行不是万金油,并不能完全替代 cmd ,详情请参考 mintty 官网的相关说明.mintty is not a full replacement for the Windows Console window ...
所以git bash中输入tree命令时,自身/usr/bin中没有tree.exe文件,而系统中也没有tree.exe命令,那么就会提示找不到命令了啊! 手动补全命令# 那么第一种调用方法便是补全后缀名,这样自然能够调用cmd的tree.com命令. git bash并不识别.com后缀的命令,输入tree命令时以为是tree.exe,实际上tree命令应该是tree.com的简...