服务器的开发和管理离不开 Bash 脚本,掌握它需要学习大量的细节。 set命令是 Bash 脚本的重要环节,...
BashJSON linux json shell bash parse 原创 Art_Hero 2014-01-21 14:42:12 865阅读 1 bash配置文件读取顺序 执行顺序为:/etc/profile -> (~/.bash_profile | ~/.bash_login | ~/.profile) -> ~/.bashrc -> /etc/bashrc -> ~/.bash_logout后面的配置文件继承前边的变量和Shell设置,相同的配置会...
使用bash的循环结构遍历所有要合并的json文件。 对于每个json文件,可以使用命令行工具如jq来解析和处理json数据。jq是一个强大的命令行工具,用于处理json数据。 在循环中,将每个json文件的内容追加到新的json文件中。可以使用jq的--slurp选项来将多个json对象合并为一个数组。 下面是一个示例的bashscript代码: 代码语...
A bash script for archiving tube8 videos, channels and pornstars metadata in json. Requirements reliq jq Installation install -m 755 tube8-scraper /usr/bin Json format Here's example of a video, channel and pornstar. Usage Results will be saved in files named by sha256 hash of their ur...
For this reason, import is installed and configured by default, which allows your script to easily include additional functionality and helper logic. For example, the querystring import may be used to parse input parameters from the request URL: import "querystring@1.3.0" handler() { local path...
ShellCheck - A shell script static analysis tool ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts: The goals of ShellCheck are To point out and clarify typical beginner's syntax issues that cause a shell to give cryptic error messages. ...
parseXmlFile.sh#!/bin/bashUsage(){ echo "Usage: ./parseXmlFile.sh <target.xml>" exit 1}list_all_entity(){ l xml bash 原创 风穴眼 2017-03-12 22:49:42 2546阅读 iosjson解析json解析js JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)一种简单的数据格式,比xml更轻巧。JSON是 JavaScript 原生格式,这意味着在...
# 为了更好的push到github,配置代理 export http_proxy= export https_proxy= # 方便cd 进 hexo alias blog='cd /e/blog' # hexo 博客发布,num run是package.json中script list配置的别名 alias dev='npm run v' alias publish='npm run p' # 配置tree...
log_parser 可以用任意语言撰写,由于其问题规模被 bash script 大大缩减,所以写起来非常简单,这里放一个 elixir 的例子(具体 tsv 解析放下不表): defpparsedocaseIO.read(:stdio,:line)do:eof->:ok{:error,reason}->IO.puts"Error:#{reason}"line->trydoline|>parse_line()|>process()rescuee->IO.puts...
The following script creates a new resource group only if one with the specified name doesn't already exist.Azure CLI نسخ if [ $(az group exists --name $resourceGroup) = false ]; then az group create --name $resourceGroup --location "$location" else echo $resourceGroup fi ...