A shell script can itself launch subprocesses. These subshells let the script do parallel processing, in effect executing multiple subtasks simultaneously. Code For you it will look like this I guess (I add quote to $vURL) : ( axel -n 10 -o "$NAME" "$vURL" ) & Share Improve thi...
kubectl_run_sa.sh - launch a quick pod with the given service account to test private repo pull & other permissions kubectl_port_forward.sh - launches kubectl port-forward to a given pod's port with an optional label or name filter. If more than one pod is found, prompts with an inter...
aws_ec2_launch_templates_ami_id.sh - for each Launch Template lists the AMI ID of the latest version. Useful to check EKS upgrades of node groups via Terragrunt have taken effect aws_ecr_*.sh - AWS ECR docker image management scripts: aws_ecr_docker_login.sh - authenticates Docker to...
Ctrl + l : equivalent to clear. Ctrl + x + Ctrl + e : launch editor defined by $EDITOR to input your command. Useful for multi-line commands. Change caseEsc + u # converts text from cursor to the end of the word to uppercase. Esc + l # converts text from cursor to the end...
#!/bin/bash pids="" for i in `seq 0 9`; do doCalculations $i & pids="$pids $!" done wait $pids ...code continued here ... Update: As pointed by multiple commenters, the above waits for all processes to be completed before continuing, but does not exit...
Issue Type: Bug I had a weird issue today with an Electron application misbehaving. Turns out that ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 was set on the process, even though I certainly didn't set that, and it also doesn't exist in my system/user enviro...
python launch_sbatch_job.py -c 'python my_script.py -a arg1 -b arg2 -i my_file.json' but if you needed to run several of these in parallel you would do: python launch_parallel_sbatch_jobs.py -c 'python my_script.py -a arg1 -b arg2' -t 'i' -i ~/* the -i from inside...
See also Sealed Secrets / External Secrets in my Kubernetes repo gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes_multipart.sh - creates a Kubernetes secret from multiple GCP secrets (used to put private.pem and public.pem into the same secret to appear as files on volume mounts for apps in pods to use). See ...
kubectl_run_sa.sh - launch a quick pod with the given service account to test private repo pull & other permissions kubectl_port_forward.sh - launches kubectl port-forward to a given pod's port with an optional label or name filter. If more than one pod is found, prompts with an inter...
gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes_multipart.sh - creates a Kubernetes secret from multiple GCP secrets (used to put private.pem and public.pem into the same secret to appear as files on volume mounts for apps in pods to use). See also Sealed Secrets / External Secrets in my Kubernetes repo gcp_...