Command file support to run commands in batches at very high execution speeds Dry run support S3 Transfer Acceleration support Google Cloud Storage (and any other S3 API compatible service) support Structured logging for querying command outputs Shell auto-completion S3 ListObjects API backward compatibi...
You can restrict the execution to only a subset of test harness files. By setting the environment variable `TEST_SUITES` to the path of the bats test harness file to execute alone. [source,bash] -- ## Run tests for all linux platforms make test ## Multiarch support ## Run tests for ...
If BASH supported the latter, each "sequence of execution" would operate just the same and could be termed to be traditional threads whilst gaining a more efficient memory footprint. Functionally however it works the same, though a bit more difficult since GLOBAL variables are not available ...
In this paper we study mixed parallel execution schemes for specific (explicit and implicit) variants of general linear methods, the Parallel Adams-Bashforth methods and the Parallel Adams-Moulton methods, which are new methods providing additional method parallelism. The implementations are realized ...
='':print'Matchfound in '+ file This resulted in longer execution time. Any suggestions on improving performance. :::EDIT::: I can not post answers to my own questions yet however here are the answers to several points raised: @David Nehme - Just ...
比如: stages { stage('BuildAll') { steps { script { parallel names.split(',').collectEntries { name -> ["Execution ${name}": { // Map key is the branch name // Following code will be executed in parallel for each branch stage(name) { sh "env | grep -i NODE_NAME" } }] }...
➋The magic variableRANDOMcalls an internal Bash function that returns a pseudorandom integer between 0 and 32767. Taking the remainder of the division of that integer by 5 and adding 1 ensures thatdurationis between 1 and 5. ➌sleeppauses execution for a given number of seconds. ...
Babashka comes with tools that gives you a consistent way of defining such commands, and for parsing command-line arguments into Clojure data structures. Take that, bash! A rich set of libraries.Babashka comes with helper utilities for doing typical shell script grunt work like interacting with...
After SSH keys, I would recommendpdshfor parallel execution of the same SSH command across the cluster. It’s a big time saver particularly when initially setting up the cluster given the installation and configuration changes that are inevitably needed. ...