/bin/bash# pdudo# 2023年3月30日# 定义数组 arrayarray=(pdudo1 pdudo2 pdudo4 pdudo5)# 定义字符串searchString="pdudo1"# 定义循环 遍历数组 和 字符串相匹配forvaluein${array[@]};do# 判断是否相等if[$value=$searchString];then# 输出相等信息echo"$searchString出现在数组中"fidone 上述代码,...
if [[ ${arr[*]} == *sub_string* ]]; then printf '%s\n' "sub_string is in array." fi case模式 case "$var" in *sub_string*) # Do stuff ;; *sub_string2*) # Do more stuff ;; *) # Else ;; esac 讲解 知识点就一个,* 通配符匹配任意数量的字符(包括零个字符) 判断字符串...
If subscript is ‘@’ or ‘*’, the expansion is the number of elements in the array. If the subscript used to reference an element of an indexed array evaluates to a number less than zero, it is interpreted as relative to one greater than the maximum index of the array...
if [ $(whoami) = 'root' ]; then echo "root"; else echo "not root"; fi 相反,你可以把命令放进 shell 脚本中,这样就更容易理解并且可以轻松运行了: #!/bin/bash if [ $(whoami) = 'root' ]; then echo "You are root" else echo "You are not root" ...
if [ $a -lt 10 ] then echo "a: $a" else echo 'a>=10' fi 运行代码: bash test24.sh a: 5 数组元素 在一个 array 结构的上下文中,中括号用来引用数组中每个元素的编号。 vim test25.sh 输入代码: #!/bin/bash arr=(12 22 32) ...
==:用于比较条件表达式中两个值是否相等。例如,if [ "$name" == "linuxmi" ]; then echo "Hello, linuxmi!"; fi将输出“Hello, linuxmi!” 如果变量的name值为“linuxmi”。 !=:用于比较条件表达式中的两个值是否不相等。例如,if [ "$name" != "linuxmi" ]; then echo "You're not linuxmi!
Bash:我也可以在If分支之外循环命令吗? 在Bash中,可以使用循环命令来重复执行一系列的命令。常见的循环命令有for循环、while循环和until循环。 对于if分支之外的循环命令,可以使用while循环或者until循环来实现。下面是它们的使用示例: while循环: 代码语言:txt 复制 while [ condition ] do # 循环执行的命令 don...
However, there are potential pitfalls. If you’re not careful, you might run into issues with whitespace in your array elements, as Bash will split on whitespace by default. To avoid this, always remember to quote your array expansion, like so:"${array[@]}". ...
示例1: array=(1 2 3 4 5),for x in {x} ;done 示例2: for x in {x} ;done while 循环 语句结构: i=0;while[ {i}; ((i++));done 当while条件为真,则执行do done里面的语句,否则不执行do done中的语句 用while一行行读取文件内容 ...