在BASH脚本中,`if with or`语句和`elif`语句都是用于条件判断的控制结构,但它们的使用场景和逻辑有所不同。 ### if with or 语句 `if with or`语句允许你...
Bash编程中的基本构造之一是IF语句。在IF语句中编写的代码只在某个条件为真时执行,否则代码将被跳过。让我们写一个带有IF语句的小程序: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/usr/bin/env bash# File:simpleif.sh echo"Start program"if[[$1-eq4]]then echo"You entered $1"fi echo"End program" 我们来看看运行...
And here's another:Bash Copy ls *.jp*g The * wildcard matches on zero or more characters, but the ? wildcard represents a single character. If the current directory contains files named 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, and so on through 0009.jpg, the following command lists them all:Bash Copy ...
golang_get_install_if_absent.sh updated golang_get_install_if_absent.sh Feb 16, 2020 golang_rm_binaries.sh updated golang_rm_binaries.sh Jun 21, 2020 grep_or_append.sh added grep_or_append.sh Aug 15, 2020 hadolint.yaml added hadolint.yaml Oct 1, 2019 hadoop_random_node.sh updated ...
mkdir 1stDirectory 2ndDirectory 3rdDirectoryYou can also use this to create parent directories at the same time with the -p (or --parents) flag. For instance, if you wanted a directory named 'project1' in another subdirectory at '/samples/bash/projects/', you could run:...
word} Display Error if Null or Unset(顯示錯誤,如果未定義或值為空)。如果 parameter 未定義 或值為空,word (或一條資訊,如果 word 不存在) 的擴充套件將寫入到標準錯誤;shell 如 果不是互動的,則將退出。否則, parameter 的值將被替換。 ${parameter:+word} Use Alternate Value(使用可選值)。如果 ...
例如,下列命令添加了一個按鍵序列,用以引用 bash 中當前的詞或前一個詞 $if Bash # Quote the current or previous word "\C-xq": "\eb\"\ef\"" $endif $endif 上例中的這個命令,結束了一個 $if 命令。 $else 如果測試失敗,$if 指令中這個分支的命令將被執行。 $include 這個指令使用單個文件名...
Second, if a function has the same name as a script or executable program, the function takes precedence. This is a good time to show the order of precedence for the various sources of commands when you type a command to the shell: Aliases Keywords such as function and several others, ...
As usual, you should always read the man page of the scripts you're calling, to see what the conventions are for each of them. If you've programmed with a language like Java or Python, then you're most likely familiar with their exceptions, different meanings, and how not all of them...