# Get the current file name current_name=$(basename "$file") # Get the file extension extension="${current_name##*.}" # Generate the new file name new_name="${prefix}-$(printf "%0${bits}d" "$starting_number").${extension}" # Rename the file mv "$file" "$directory/$new_nam...
2:管道 Each command in a pipeline is executed in its own subshell 3:括号命令列表 ()操作符 Placing a list of commands between parentheses causes a subshell environment to be created 4:执行外部脚本、程序:When Bash finds such a file while searching the `$PATH' for a command, it spawns a s...
哎呀,您甚至可以编写 filename="${fullfile##*/}" 并避免调用额外的 basename 如果文件没有扩展名,则此“解决方案”不起作用-相反,会输出整个文件名,考虑到无扩展名的文件无处不在,这非常糟糕。 修复处理不带扩展名的文件名:extension=$([[ "$filename" = *.* ]] && echo ".${filename##*.}"...
我有一个包含文件路径的数组。这些文件中的每个文件都有一行。我想循环遍历数组,对于每个文件,读取其中的行并将其存储在一个变量中。filenames[0]=${f1}for filename in "${filenames[@]}" # get the filenameecho `basename$filename` 它会显示文件名</e ...
# Get the current file name current_name=$(basename "$file") # Generate the new file name new_name="${new_name_prefix}${current_name}" # Rename the file mv "$file" "$directory/$new_name" done 但是我想要重名为001、002、003这种格式的,继续提问:how do I rename file to align them ...
Use the basename Command to Get Bash Script Filename Use the Parameter Expansion to Get Bash Script Filename Use the BASH_SOURCE Variable to Get Bash Script Filename This article shows how we can get the filename of its own by the script. Also, we will see necessary examples and ...
/bin/bashTHIS FILE IS ADDED FOR centos8 开机运行shell centos linux 运维 自动化 centos redis命令行启动 centos进入redis 一、wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.2.tar.gz二、tar xzf redis-4.0.2.tar.gz cd redis-4.0.2 make make install三、在Redis源代码目录的utils文件夹中有一...
basename "/bin/zsh" # 獲取檔名 (zsh) dirname "/bin/zsh" # 獲取目錄名 (/bin) file --mime-encoding <file> # 獲取 file 的編碼方式 (GBK 會被當作 iso-8859-1) iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 <file> # 將 file 以 GBK 編碼開啟,並以 UTF-8 編碼輸出到 stdin ...
var=`cat log.txt` # 如果有多个命令,命令之间以分号 ; 分隔 var=$(cat log.txt) # 推荐,并且这种方式最常见 Fir_File_Lines=$(wc -l $(ls | sed -n '1p')) # 两层嵌套 # 注意,如果被替换的命令的输出内容有换行符,或者含有多个连续的空白符,那么在输出变量时应该将变量用双引号包围,否则系统...
If bash is invoked in this fashion, $0 is set to the name of the file, and the positional parameters are set to the remaining arguments. Bash reads and executes commands from this file, then exits. Bash's exit status is the exit status of the last command executed in the script. If ...