然后找到你报错的/bin/base那行的路径(ctrl+f检索);然后删除保存就可以了。然后在终端执行source ~/.bashrc。保存生效
In Bash,basenameis commonly used to extract the filename from a given path or URL; however, there are situations where you may need to do the opposite, like extracting the directory path from a given file path. This is where thedirnamecommand comes into play, which is the reverse of the...
/bin/bash # basename.sh echo Testing basename echo --- echo "basename \$1/\$2 .txt; suffix is .txt" filename=`basename $1/$2 .txt` echo $filename echo --- echo "basename ab.c .c; suffix is .c" basename ab.c .c echo "basename ab b; suffix is b" basename ab b echo -...
basename $File 执行的结果为: a.b.c.txt 上面的栗子输出结果是文件后缀的,若不想带后缀,则: #/bin/bash File=/dir1/dir2/dir3/a.b.c.txt echo $(basename $File .txt) 结果为: a.b.c 2. 获取路径:dirname dirname:从路径中提取出目录名 #/bin/bash File=/dir1/dir2/dir3/a.b.c.txt di...
获取路径/文件名/扩展名 获取路径:path.dirname(filepath) 获取文件名:path.basename(filepath) 获取扩展名:path.extname(filepath) 获取所在路径...输出:test console.log( path.basename('/tmp/demo/js/test/') ); // 输出:test console.log( path.basename('/...将对路径中重复的路径分隔符(比如linux...
Using basename in bash script I showed some examples of the basename command. Let’s see a couple of examples of basename in bash scripts. Suppose you have a file path variable and you want to store the file name from the path in a variable. This could be a simple script: pathname="...
Bash:在脚本中搜索命令块,然后执行这些命令 、、、 这些文件的名称在调用bundle脚本时作为参数传递,它们被放在一个单独的文件(这里名为filebundle)中,然后可以作为bash脚本执行,将这些文件解绑回单独的文件。#!End of file2.txt我的问题如下:我必须重写bundle脚本,以便从它产生的filebundle文件可以执行,可以...
/bin/bash # basename.sh echo Testing basename echo --- echo "basename \$1/\$2 .txt; suffix is .txt" filename=`basename $1/$2 .txt` echo $filename echo --- echo "basename ab.c .c; suffix is .c" basename ab.c .c echo "basename...
In Linux, the basename command prints the last element of a file path. This is especially useful in bash scripts where the file name needs to be extracted from a long file line. The “basename” takes a filename and prints the filename’s last portion. It can also delete any following...