Examples of bash for looping lines Pay attention to this simple example: The file will be read line by line. The code will assign each line to a variable, and then simply output it. With each line, you can also pass more than one variable to the read command: the first field is assi...
In the linefor file in $(ls); do, the$(ls)part executes the ‘ls’ command then and its output (the list of files in the current directory) is used as input for the loop. The loop will iterate through each file name found in the output. The lineecho "File: $file"prints the va...
In this example, we’ve created a ‘for’ loop that acts as a ‘foreach’ loop. The loop iterates over the numbers 1 through 5, echoing each number on a new line. This is a basic way to use the ‘foreach’ loop in Bash, but there’s much more to learn about looping and itera...
So, let’s take the code that we’ve written in the previous scenario and modify it. Instead of printing each entry in the array one by one, we need to write it out in a text file. Open up your script file using: $nanotest.sh Now, as we have the array named “writers”, we w...
Another unique way to define the “for” loop is using the “seq” expression in it. So, open the same file and add the bash extension to it. The syntax of the “for” loop has been shown in the snap attached below. The “for” loop has started with the iterator variable “I” ...
After each iteration of the loop, expr3 is evaluated. This is usually used to increment a loop counter. The following 12 examples shows how to bash for loops in different ways. 1. Static values for the list after “in” keyword
Bash For Loop In One Line with Files 代码语言:txt 复制 # for i in *; do echo "Found the following file: $i"; done # for i in `cat filelist.txt`; do echo ${i}; done; if a line may include spaces better use a while loop: ...
cat程序,输入行作为参数。 如果你真的想在循环中这样做,你可以:for fn in `cat filenames.txt`...
# for (( ; ; )); do echo "Hello World!"; done # while true; do echo "Hello World!"; done # while :; do echo "Hello World!"; done 1. 2. 3. Bash For Loop In One Line with Files # for i in *; do echo "Found the following file: $i"; done ...