IFS=$SAVEIFS # Restore IFS for ((j=0;j<4;j+=1)); do printf "Current is line: $j. \n" printf "%s \n" "${names[$j]}" done 参考资料 === https://linuxconfig.org/bash-printf-syntax-basics-with-examples https://linuxhint.com/bash_loop_list_strings/ https://www.shellhacks....
A for loop is one of the prime statements in various programming languages and helps in managing yourVPS platforma lot. Here, we will explain how it is used in the bash programming language – hence the name, “bash for loop.” A for loop is an iteration statement, meaning you can exec...
This “varname” can be processed in the body of the for loop. Method 2: Bash For Loop using C like syntax The second form of the for loop is similar to the for loop in “C” programming language, which has three expressions (initialization, condition and updation). for (( expr1; e...
Caution: As a best practice, you should always quote the bash variables when you are referring it. There are few exceptions to this best practice rule. This is one of them. If you double quote the variable in this for loop, the list of values will be treated as single value. Lot of ...
Also, we can write for loop in one line, but in this case there needs to be a semicolon before do, like below:for i in {1..5}; do echo $i; doneBy the way, if for..in..do seems a little bit weird to you, you can also write for in C-like style such as:...
Using GNUparallelinside a Bashforloop provides an efficient way to handle tasks that require both sequential and parallel processing. Here’s a self-explanatory example where aforloop goes through a series of iterations, and within each iteration, GNUparallelspeeds up a job calledprocess_task: ...
在诸如Bash之类的脚本语言中,循环对于自动执行重复性任务非常有用。在Bash脚本中有3个基本的循环结构,for循环,while循环,until循环。 本教程解释了Bash中while循环的基础知识,以及用于改变循环流的break和continue语句。 Bash while 循环 只要给定条件的计算结果为true,while循环就会使用一组给定的命令执行未知次数。
SRC=/home/username/Downloads/vids/* for FILE in $SRC do filepath=$FILE echo "Current file path: $filepath" filename=$(basename -- "$FILE") echo "Current FULL file name: $filename" extension=${filename##*.} echo "Current file extension: $extension" done echo "font for loop was ...
Example 05 – For loop In this example, we will use a "for loop" to output a certain string a specific number of times. You will be able to grasp the following code example easily. #!/bin/bash echo "For loop example" for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "$i - Welcome" done echo ...
for i in {0..100}; do printf '%s\n' "$i" done 循环遍历可变数字范围 替代seq。 # Loop from 0-VAR. VAR=50 for ((i=0;i<=VAR;i++)); do printf '%s\n' "$i" done 循环数组 arr=(apples oranges tomatoes) # Just elements. ...