bash-4.1$ find . -name '*prev' - tries to find if a lockfile is used in the given or current working directory by taking snapshots of the file list before and after a prompt in which you should open/close an application - runs each binary of the given name found in $PATH with the...
说明文件类型,类似windows文件后缀(.exe), linux 根据 #!...以及后面字符串信息确定文件类型(man magic 命令 以及 /usr/share/magic 了解更多) /bin/bash 表明文件是一个bash程序,需要/bin下bash程序解释执行,使用locate...bash 或 find / -name bash 2>/dev/null或whereis bash 三个命令找出bash所在位置,...
说明文件类型,类似windows文件后缀(.exe), linux 根据 #!...以及后面字符串信息确定文件类型(man magic 命令 以及 /usr/share/magic 了解更多) /bin/bash 表明文件是一个bash程序,需要/bin下bash程序解释执行,使用locate...bash 或 find / -name bash 2>/dev/null或whereis bash 三个命令找出bash所在位置,...
find directory options patternExample:$ find . -name $ find /home/user1 -name '*.png'h. gunzipUn-compresses files compressed by gzip.gunzip filenamei. gzcatLets you look at gzipped file without actually having to gunzip it.gzcat filename...
"# Misused 'exec'find -name \*.bak -o -name \*~ -delete# Implicit precedence in find# find . -exec foo > bar \; # Redirections in findf() { whoami; }; sudo f# External use of internal functions Common beginner's mistakes
Double check by using thepwdcommand one more time: BashCopy pwd You should see an output like this: OutputCopy /home/yourname ~is another special character in Bash that refers to this home directory. You can use~to refer to the location/home/yournameno matter where you are in the shell...
:不加任何选项,type会显示出name是bash內置命令还是外置命令; -t:输出命令的意义,包括file表示外部命令;alias表示命令别名;builtin表示bash的內置命令; -p:如果后面接的name是外置命令,就会显示出全部文件名(即包括文件路劲) -a:会由PATH变量定义的路径中,将含有name的命令列出来,包括alias。(打印信息包括不加选项...
alias name = 'command' alias name = 'command arg1 arg2' alias name = '/path/to/script' alias name = '/path/to/ arg1' 举个例子,输入下面命令并回车就会为常用的clear(清除屏幕)命令创建一个别名c: alias c = 'clear' 然后输入字母c而不是clear后回车就会清除屏幕了: ...
XDG_DATA_DIRS(or the system directories/usr/local/share:/usr/shareif empty). The subdirectorybash-completion/completionsof each paths inXDG_DATA_DIRSseparated by colons is considered. The completion files of the name<cmd>or<cmd>.bash, where<cmd>is the name of the target command, are searche...